
I don't think you have a concept of just how shallow many people are, Lindy. Many people carry around this vision of happiness that is essentially a checklist of directly measurable things. Sports car, check. Big house, check. High social standing, check. Girlfriend who is hot according to Men's Health... whoops,

May not be the best, but importance has nothing to do with being good. A bad car can herald a new era in car design.

That's because you like to drive sporty, I presume. Now picture the average driver, who sees driving as that annoying thing you have to do between work, home and the mall. The kind who is likely to text or eat while driving. 180hp is just enough for these drivers. Enough so it won't be dangerous to pass a semi, not

For the average driver it has just the right amount of power.

That's good to hear. What with the constant brain drain we seem to have here I expected the worst.

I'm sorry, could we stop implying people have "fitness routines"? Many people are healthy without doing any fitness at all. Normalizing "fitness" helps uphold oppressive beauty standards. People are free to excercise all they want, but let's not perpetuate the false and damaging idea that everybody does it or should

Not around these parts anymore, and I can't say I blame her.

It's undoubtedly true that companies do better if they have women in leadership positions, but using this as an argument that male decision makers should stop discriminating against women is useless, because it assumes that the average male executive cares about the company. He doesn't, not really. The company is only

At Cathay Pacific, this is known as "work-to-rule". At US carriers, this is known simply as "work".

I don't have a problem with violent movies - I'm an avid fan of action films - but I do wish they weren't marketed to 16 year old boys.

Accountants say YES. this case also known as "the fireplace".

The thing about civility is, you inevitably end up being nice to a lot of people who don't deserve it. Misogynists, racists, the list goes on.

Not true. I drive (or get driven) to job sites every day in company trucks. We've always had Ford F-350s, and for a long time they were old late 80s models. They worked well enough, but at some point they were just too outdated.

I've always thought this is the reason humungous trucks are so popular as personal transports here - it's like an escalating arms race where everyone wants to feel they have the edge in case of a crash.

Unibody of course - apart from the very bottom-end holdovers like the 2CV, the French manufacturers only made unibody passenger cars at the time the Fuego was designed.

Of course there's a community. There's some (a few) really dedicated Renault diehards in the US and Canada, and they have helped with questions in the past. Even among French cars in the US, Renaults enjoy minority status - Citroen probably has the largest community.

1985 Renault Fuego. I always call it a "sporty coupe", because saying it's a sportscar would be way overstating it. It's an aquired taste to be sure, but I do love it. I inherited it from my mom who drove it throughout my childhood, so it's not just any car for me.

Yesterday I found out my boyfriend has been thinking I'm cheating on him for like a month now. The situation: I'm currently trying to restore an old car as a hobby project, but new parts are hella rare and expensive. Since my financial resources are limited I've taken to scavenging junkyards for parts, which I do on

Interesting! Mind you, I was just asking out of curiosity. I have my hands full (and my wallet empty) with the 2 cars I already have. If you wanna get a taste of truly expensive parts, try owning a Renault! I've been to so many Northeastern and even Canadian junk yards (I live in Georgia!) in the vain hope of finding