
What could have been. You can't argue against the Explorer from a financial perspective though, which was probably exactly what killed this. Too bad, the Vette certainly could use some domestic competition.

Oh boy, Cameron Diaz's statement will have her on the next train to vitriol city.

What is it/was it gonna be? Looks a bit like a non-half-assed Probe, care to enlighten the less knowledgeable?

Whenever I see an offer like this, a bullet-proof, practical new-ish car for cheap, I always kind of hope somebody who really needs it will get to buy it. I mean, all due respect to buying a beater for the fun of it and beating the shit out of it, but this is a car that could really make the difference for someone in

Interesting story: being home sick recently, I went on a wikipedia binge reading about obscure automakers.

Alonso for sure. Great driver, and I like latin dudes in general. My boyfriend feels threatened already (he's from Argentina).

The special thing about this night is that the strippers will be trying to complete every lap in the shortest amount of time possible. You know, like in Formula 1.

Limp dick from excessive cocaine use aka "John Holmes Syndrome".

Do dudes really squeeze their dicks so hard they get desensitized? I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. I wonder if something equivalent can happen to women as well?

Lol Cocaine. Aka "John Holmes syndrome".

Alcohol. I always get everybody alcohol. Some nice liqour or some good wine for the weak-livered.

"Bro, I got this wicked plan for spring break that will save me like, hundreds of dollars! Instead of going to a hotel to sleep, I'll simply chug a 5-hour Energy every 5 hours. Bro, you realize what this means? I'll be able to buy bottles of the Goose all night long! You know bitches love the Goose. Imma get laid so

Stealing at house parties is some real lowlife shit. I once caught a guy who was trying to steal one of my LPs, he was almost out of the house already. I retook my property, then shoved him off my front porch and told him never to come back.

Yeah, but since then there's been this thing called evolution. You wouldn't kill someone over a disagreement, because that's how cavemen might have done, now would you?

As a woman, I have to say I'd buy this. If I had 50 grand, that is. And I'd already bought the other cars I'd buy first if I had 50 grand, seeing how 50k would easily buy me more than one of my favorite cars in top condition with money left for the inevitable repairs.

You've never heard about nipple bleaching, have you?

Judging by some of the comments here, I have come to the conclusion that when something they read is affiliated in any way with feminism, some people lose all sense of humor and sarcasm and simply take everything they read at face value.

Yeah, because this article is totally meant in earnest. (Hint: only the last paragraph actually is).

Damn straight. If you say that to anybody but your fiance/spouse you're a pervy weirdo. Don't say it to her/him in front of any kids, though.

They couldn't name it Corvette without a V8 though. A Corvette has a V8 as much as a 911 has a flat-six.