
Ah ok. I should have figured as much, but the way you formulated the sentence threw me off I guess.

Hey, I was like 2 years old back then, so I didn't yet have a forumlated opinion on the Aerovette. But yes, I think it would have been way cool. Plus, the version that got approved for production only to never get built had a regular 400cid V8.

Whoa. Did you just say "butterface"? Like, was that supposed to be a quotation, or did you really just use that word? Because wow, rightfully exposing sexist double standards and then using one of the most sexist words in modern slang takes some astoundingly low levels of self-reflection.

Anybody who thinks geeks aren't violent has never seen a really heated Warhammer match at a Games Workshop or at a con. Or worse, a disagreement over rules during such a match.

Ok, but front mid-engined. I was thinking specifically of that Aerovette prototype where everyone got all hot and bothered that this would be it, and then all we got was the C4.

It's like they seed all these crazy rumors so supercar enthusiasts will get all riled up, but really they know their buyers want a classic muscle car with a somewhat sleeker body.

Porsches catching air always remind me of that boss poster Jerry Seinfeld had hanging in his fictional apartment. Been trying for a long time to track down an original copy, but no luck.

Isn't that how it's always been? The corvette has "almost" been almost anything. Mid-engined, rear-engined, 4wd, all kinds of crazy futuristic...

Why are no. 4 through 6 missing?

I would in certain circumstances. You know, I don't go around at car shows telling people their rims suck, much as I wouldn't go "excuse me sir/ma'am, I'm sure you're enjoying, but fried rice is the pits!".

"If there's one thing I've always found disadvantageous about my cuff links, it's that I can't drink them!"

The only way I can get down with mixing is if you're making an actual cocktail. None of that sweet stuff though. Really sour or bone dry is how I like it. I do make an exception for Long Island Ice Teas when it's summer.

Hey, I didn't say nobody should have flashy rims on their car, just that I dislike them. I also don't like Chinese food, but that doesn't mean nobody can have Chinese. Just that I don't like them and I would definitely choose stock rims or maybe some nice Cragars or Magnum 500s over modern chrome rims.

De Niro got angry? I basically imagine his mood range to start at "stern" and extend all the way to "mafioso meltdown". Maybe interspersed with being super suave and romantic with his wife, but I don't think I've ever seen a pic of the guy laughing or even smiling.

As a southerner, that New York accent that gets more pronounced the more irate he gets fascinates me to no end. "Whadd'are you, stoopid?!"

I dunno, how about doing away with the whole yelling and bootcamp stuff? Seems like that leads to an atmosphere in which superiors feel entitled to abuse those lower in the hierarchy. It probably would make soldiers of both genders more pleasant people in general, too.

The thing is, I can either worry every day about my health, financial situation, state of the union, whatever. OR I can have two or three whiskys after work and worry about none of these things. I know what I prefer.

As a southerner, I heartily agree. Vodka? Please, that shit has no taste and mixing is for savages.

Do you think if Europe doesn't get better, we'll see American car companies getting out of there for good, leaving the field to the Europeans, Japanese and maybe Chinese?

Conditional NP. Condition: remove those horrid wheels. How is it that nobody drives their vintage American car on stock rims, or maybe a set of period custom wheels, anymore? What's so cool about huge, flashy chrome rims? I seriously don't get their appeal.