
Goes to show that some people just don't look before changing lanes (the driver who clipped the SUV). If the driver had spared the lane he was about to change into a single glance, he might have seen the giant firetruck with flashing lights.

The null would probably be more like men who don't know about/are indifferent towards feminism without beng sexists themselves. There's some of them here in the South, what we call the gentleman farmer. Basically rural types who think of feminism as something people in cities do, but have been raised to be respectful

It's cool that Knigthley actually points out the contradiction, and is like "so what" about it instead of going "but it's totally artful/empowering when I do it!".

To be fair, she clearly phoned that one in. Can't blame her, I like money too.

I think there needs to be something inbetween point 0. and point 1. I mean, there has to be something between "active supporter of feminism" and "objectifies a woman who doesn't even know him".

I think he might be a Nice Guy (tm). But, I do think that especially young women and men are often bound to disregard their actual preferences for what they are told by the media and their peers is attractive.

Right? As if those are the only faults a person can possibly have. Granted, if you're neither a sexist nor a homophobe that's a major plus on the "decent human being scale", but you can still be racist, or violent, or dishonest, or, or, or....

Another group of people who were quite fond of fascism were industrialists, worldwide and yes, in America as well. Henry Ford publicly spoke in favor of fascism until he realized it might cost him the lucrative war contracts.

I doesn't excuse her behavior, but it really seems like the driver just lost it. The article meantions a bite mark, which implies the driver bit the girl. That's not something you do when you're in control of your actions.

I think this is overdoing it, but when you're an NTSB researcher and all you ever do is analyse horrible crash scenarios and death statistics, maybe in time you come to view driving as a problem in itself. Kinda like psychiatrists tend to think everybody is at least a little nuts.

Kinda strange, seeing how the state-owned broadcasting company produces a certain TV show that probably does more to incite "irresponsible driving" than any ad ever did.

I wonder wht his hair looks like after the race. But even hair aside, he has some seriously blue eyes and even stubble that looks good as opposed to simply unkempt.

At least to the religious zealots (at least the religious zealots I know), any feeling of hypocrisy is overruled by the actual, perpetual fear of possibly going to Hell. They believe God hates abortions, and if you don't prove to God you're down with his will, you're not going to heaven.

See, they don't care about the life they claim to protect. They have zero interest in people. They care about not interfering with God's will. These are people - I know this, "thanks" to some of my family - to whom Hell is as real a concept as to a 15th century peasant. They claim to want to protect life etc, but I

That's likely so, but keep in mind io9 has a higher percentage of users not from the USA than other Gawker sites.

I have to agree, but you have to realize people speak in frustration, especially on the internet. It's only human.

My bf's first name is Gustavo as well. But then he has this really weird German-sounding family name (like some Argentinians do) and it when he says his full name it always sounds weirdly jarring.

Sometimes I think that the reason these people who really should know better were so careless with their emails is that they're old. Maybe being careful with your data is something that only people who have experienced the internet from childhood on really naturally do, and no amount of training can replace making

Strange. If I hadn't read beforehand this was supposed to be about masturbation, I wouldn't have got it. I mean, that dude's dick would have to be about where you'd expect the appendix to be!

I loved that show back then (I also played all the computer games!), even though I always thought that Carmen wasn't really worth chasing after. I mean, yes she was the leader of V.I.L.E., but she never really did anything truly bad. Although on some level I knew even back then that it wouldn't be fun if she did.