
As one of what I think are only a handful of people who post both here and on Jalopnik, are there any other Jezzies interested in automotive stuff (or motorcycles)?

Hey, almost didn't see you there Mrs Rand.

I know a girl who did it. She basically said you have to be either very conventionally attractive or be willing to do some pretty tough stuff to really make money. She made quite a bit of money, actually, like 3-4k a month, but she said she did a lot of things that she really wishes she hadn't, so be clear on what you

Yeah, been wondering about that as well. Especially since I entered a story!

I never know what to make of him. He was great as Buddy Holly, but since then his films have been... varied. For a while I didn't like him, bc thought he was some Christian fundie until I found out The Onion made that up.

I just looked at Gary busey's twitter feed out of curiosity. It's fucking weird. What's up with that dude? He writes like a cross between Yoko Ono and an unhinged manic.

There's a difference between an actual vintage VW and this guy's room though, at least in the eyes of an average high-school girl (who are probably not that different in Coratia than here). An actual VW says "I'm a slightly alternative cool guy", this can easily look like "I still haven't chaged my bedroom from when I

So what you're saying is that this is a urine-powered power drain? That if you plugged something in it that required electricity, it would not work?

Yes. Fetch shan't happen. Not on my watch.

So that's what ol' Dave does these days! I might just have to watch that show.

I'm all for the porn industry moving somehwere else. I couldn't care less about the economic development of the Bay Area, and I'm officially sick of palm trees, pools and tacky mansions in porn.

Either the co-driver is trying to speak in an extremely clear voice to rule out any misunderstandings, or he is trying to mask his fear of being crushed against a tree.

Croatian evenings aren't all that chilly - it's a mediterranean country. Something tells me though, that as cool as this is, it won't lead to him spending many "hot" nights in there either, since most high-school girls would probably find the room a turn-off.

Depends on where you are in Europe. In Spain, you can spend that easily. Yeah, yeah, beside the point I know.

PROTIP: if you move your mouse pointer over the respective parts of the phonetic symbols on wikipedia, a the context bubble displays a "layman's version" of what the symbols mean.

Classic "let's stir up controversy for free publicity" ploy. Ryanair probably relies mostly on the perception that it's cheapest, like Spirit or Southwest. Problem is, when you look for them, there's other airlines that aren't much more expensive in the end, especially when you have more than 15 kilos of luggage.

Get that poor car some other rims! The modifications look good, but those rims look cheap and gaudy.

Haha, a Camaro with t-tops was the must-have ride for highschool douchebags everywhere back then. 80s Camaros are still mad popular here in the South, though for every one on the street there seem to be two on cinder blocks in some debris-strewn backyard.

Just because it's in a wine glass, doesn't mean it's wine (I think I see some ice in there - who drinks wine with ice?). And prescription meds do not equal Ambien, Valium & co. Could just be regular meds for some ailment she had.

I noticed it too, probably footage from a news segment that was about to follow. The title card that pops in and out of frame does read "heinous crimes".