
General opinion on the right seems to be that Romney lost because he is a weak moderate that did not appeal to "core conservatives" (really? and they voted for whom instead?), and the answer is to completely eschew the "old establishment" i.e. the last remaining pragmatists in the GOP and basically let it become the

Remember that scene in The Sopranos where Christopher decides he is not going to run with Adriana, but set her up instead when he sees that poor, miserable shlub with a kid at the gas station? I imagine the seller looks exactly like that guy.

No thanks. Not only are those rims hideous, even without them it's not 12 grand nice.

Ah, man. I didn't know that. Looks like so far no woman has ever come even remotely close to being a competitor in F1 (and I mean as in a serious competitor for points).

Well played. Hats off to you.

C'mon! I'm all for being aware of privilege, but lately the entitled label is way overused around here.

So what if she is? She's certainly no crazy right-winger. Conservatism isn't bad per se, although one could get that impression from many of American self-professed conservatives of today.

I live in almost-rural Georgia. Close enough to Athens that me and my bf can easily go into town to enjoy the culture it has to offer, but our house is actually pretty much in the sticks. Our neighbors all have jacked-up cars in their backyards. They're ok insofar as they leave us alone I guess...

Probably. I could well imagine that behind their backs, even daddy gets his share of disparaging remarks.

For real? He looks like some dude running an unlicensed inking op in his brother's basement, not someone Scarlett Johansson would get a tattoo from.

Oh wow, "mirth certificate"! That came out of nowhere. I such a sucker for a good pun.

As a Georgia citizen, let me put it like this: idiots live everywhere, but in the sticks there are fewer smart people to bablance it out, because they tend to flee the rural areas because they don't like to be surrounded by aforementioned idiots.

Quick anecdote: about 2 years ago I accompanied my boyfriend to a talk where the speaker essentially advocated for point 6.

She'll have a secret volcano lair, and inside it is a terrifying death-track with impossibly tight corners and Evel Knievel-style jumps, which all would-be assassins as well as would-be henchmen have to complete before the timer of the bomb strapped to their car runs out.

Her recovery is nothing short of incredible, and I really hope she'll find some way to continue her racing career.

I like my pot, but I only drive when I'm sober (I know, that wasn't the question). A big part of that is that I consider myself an enthusiast driver (complete with an unreliable sports car) and when I drive I always try to drive optimally, not so much in terms of obeying the rules of the road - I'm actually kind of

Like so many things, it becomes infinitely less fascinating when confronted with it on a daily basis. Luckily I was almost out of the house when my parents turned full-on paranoid crazy after my dad lost nearly all their precious money gambling on the stock market because that's what all the other rich guys did.

You can never tell which military men are nice and which are creeps because that fucking army haircut all makes them look like dangerous.

Yes. I can tell you from experience with my siblings (except for my awesome big bro, what up!) and extended family. These are people who have massive egos, and have been told all their life that by virtue of their white American birth they are the best human beings to ever exist on this planet and can do no wrong.

"It's called the white house for a reason" - Yes, because the house is painted white you goddamn moron.