
Blech. I bet a substantial number of these tweets are from my state. Georgia, I love you geographically, but not socially.

Well, it only romanticizes oppression if it glosses over the conditions which the opressed lived in. Sadly, not so few historic dramas fall into that trap.

One could argue that 80s design in general is a perversion of 70s design.

I always thought it looked like a fat dude with a manic look on his face (the ram air intakes the being flared nostrils). Not exactly what you're gunning for in sports car design.

I hate when people who say nasty stuff are like "jeez, I'm just joking here" when what they said was clearly representative of their nasty beliefs. Like, that idiot brat won't kill the president, but I don't doubt for a second he deeply hates him.

I guess my sensitivity sensors are just kinda off today.

That "thank you black folks, we made it to two elections in a row!" bit seems a bit condescending, doesn't it?

You saw them doing that, and you didn't shoot them dead on the spot?! Some patriot you are!

I did not assume that men work in offices and women for cleaning companies. What I meant is that poor women, who may or may not work in cleaning companies - that was more of an example, but generally low-wage businesses treat their employees like shit - but who sure as hell don't work in offices (if you work in an

Yes. I know that. But I doubt a hospital or a city office would fire employees for being late/absent a few times after a hurricane. No such "leniency" in the cleaning business and other really low-end jobs, believe me. Many are just waiting for an excuse to terminate people during their probatory time, in fact.

"...everyone does a good job of keeping to themselves and avoiding disturbing any other passengers..." - Aside from the guys molesting women, you mean?

I don't watch Family Guy, but that sounds true (I didn't even notice the beak on Boba Fett). He's still cool as hell.

Coincidentally, you may or may not be surprised at the amount of actual brown SM fanfiction, as in with sexy nazis. Yes, sexy nazis.

I see your point, but so long as these peoples' history is more or less absent from TV screens, I think having them where they might not technically belong is better than not having them at all.

There are many cool ones, but for me fat Han Solo is the best! He looks every bit the swaggering space smuggler. What's a few pounds if you got mojo like that dude?

As Kate Beaton put it, "History blows unless it's sexy!" - not saying history shouldn't be sexy per se, but I remain skeptical of this one. If they also show what Da Vinci was really all about, and the general spirit of the beginning Remaissance that enabled his work, then bring on the sex. But alas, I fear this will

At least there's one w4m "I got gas!" in that screencap. It shouldn't make me feel better about this, but it kind of does.

In case it didn't make it abundantly clear already, I do not agree with the sentiments in quotation marks, I was trying to satirize them.

A book has to be relatively obscure NOT to be scanned, in fact. I think you vastly underestimate the lengths to which the scene will go for a "quality release".

Cue totally not racist people saying stuff like "I dunno, don't you think it will break the immersion" (the immersion in your whites-only fantasy world, that is!), "oh wow, there's one show without black people, of course the PC police have to step in" (tell me more about how you're oppressed, white person!), and