
And in Wisconsin, no less. Mad respect to her, and best of luck!

I'm gonna wait till someone scans it and then pirate it. THAT'S RIGHT I'LL STEAL YOUR BOOK, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!! PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!!

Remember folks, if you're not making money, you're wasting time!

Why doesn't this surprise me? While Red Bull use their money to do some cool stuff, but overall I hate what they stand for. Jacked-up, always-stoked and EXTREME, hedonistic over-achiever culture. Also that many bartenders today will mix Red Bull into literally anything, but don't know how to make a decent gimlet or

On my (so far only) trip to Europe, we drove through this tunnel. I let my boyfriend drive, because I tend to get nervous in enclosed spaces. Big mistake, as not driving meant I could stare at the ceiling all the time, imagining billions of tons of rock crushing me. I was so glad when we were FINALLY out of there.

Haha, "Red Bull scientists". Their lab probably plays shitty house music 24/7 and when not involved in space jump analysis, they probably research a new formula to make hair gel even stronger.

You also into D&D? I finally convinced my friends to let me run the Tomb of Horrors, at long last. I doubt they'll be willing to high five me after that. I've seen grown men and women cry bitter tears over the loss of high level characters.

Sometimes I wonder if terrorists reading US media somehwere in the Hindukush are like "check this out, this hadn't even crossed my MIND! You think this is feasible?"

What is it with your writing today, Matt? First you put paper in your salad, now you're on about Texas and Mexico's brother.

I wasn't implying that you can't burn down your house with candles - obviously there are certain rules one should follow such as ALWAYS extinguishing candles before going to bed or leaving the room and not having candles on while about to get drunk or high.

I guess drunk students and open fire don't really mix, and many college students are hardly paragons of responsibility. So maybe that makes sense.

This sort of reminds me of doing poppers before sex (gay men are not the only ones who use them!). To me, that rush always straddled the line between "AWESOME WOO" and "wow, this is unpleasant", sometimes it was more on the awesome side, sometimes I just felt as if I was about to pop a major artery.

A whole trunk full of toast, mayonnaise, canned tuna and Spam. I shall eat Spam sandwiches until my Spam sandwich appetite is sated until the next hurricane. Also, gallons and gallons of Snapple.

Dat Jif. I forgot to buy Jif. No.

That's the thing with tortilla chips - you never buy enough. I believe tortilla chips appetite is somehow mystically related to the amount one buys.

You put salt and paper in your salads? Interesting...

"Candle safety tips" - oh wow. Is is seriously so hard for people not to burn down their house with candles?

I can attest to that. I'm in fact a Gerogian, and partial to Motley Crue myself once I have a few beers in me. Some more beers and we enter Scorpions territory. Upwards of two six-packs and it's bluegrass time and I've likely broken a few things...

At the speeds she gets up to, I doubt it matters much what gear you wear, if you fall you're bacon strips.

That's the South for ya... when we go somewhere we don't know, we take a gun.