
I guess I didn't make it clear, but my mom passed away 3 years ago. She did reach out to me in her last years, for what it's worth - I've made my peace with my parents long ago.

Hatchback FTW! Except the hatch on mine is completely made of glass, and I'm always afraid of it cracking, even with cushioning...

Another fool maligns the name of VERITOMANCY, the ancient art of turning fictions and beliefs into fact! FACT, they write, not knowing that VERITOMANCY requires much more than knowing the WORD - that it requires scarifice beyond imagination in the single-minded pursuit of its mastery!! That it bends one's VERY SOUL

Maybe after I've become foreman, the online courses I mean. I'm pretty sure I won't go back to college though, because I don't see how I could both work full-time - there's no such thing as part-time work in my field - and keep up with the necessary learning.

"Gender Identity Watch opposes gender identity as a regressive, woman-hating ideology and those organizations that push this regressive, woman-hating ideology." - from their announcement of a new blog of theirs, the organizations the "monitor" are among others PFLAG and the HUman Rights Campaign.

Willful ignorance is present in all social strata though, it's a fallacy to think that all ignorant people are uneducated blue-collar folk. There's plenty of ignorant people who have a law degree or work as doctors. I believe not so few college graduates are very singularly educated - my own mother is a good example.

I think what made the marketing folks back in the day create new brands for captive imports was that there was still this idea that diluting the "American-ness" of the big domestic brands would somehow be harmful to the brand image.

I don't know about the Alliance, but not all the Renault cars were bad - their qualities might just not be as obvious.

A very few Fuegos do survive in the US - I own one. I inherited it from my mom who only ever drove it in the summer, which is why it has not yet become a pile of rust (it's starting to get there though, leaving me with the prospect of some major body work even though I've never even operated a welder).

Wow, 4-5 grand? I don't plan on having kids anyway, and I haven't had a nice vacation in a long time, my car needs new bodywork and electric system, my PC is beginning to fall behind the times, the house is still furnished with what we have from our tiny old apartment... I might be tempted to do this.

It certainly isn't, but it's still a Western-European country which means it's a repressive mess of islamophobia, thinly-veiled racism and an undeserved sense of superiority. Plus, it's no cliché that Germans are uptight - I've been there and even the hip crowd are dreary and have a stick up their collective ass.

You mean they encode peering over the rim of sunglasses/taking them off in punctuation?

Why do TMZ writers... always write their stories - like this? Is it to make it more... dramatic? or is there a - more mundane - reason for it??

Addendum: I realize I picked kind of bad examples of intellectual achievement. Substitute "getting an article published" or "study passing peer review" for "winning an important case or getting a big contract", because arguably the latter are not examples of intellectual achievement that's widely denigrated.

Nominally I'm less educated than my bf - I'm a carpenter, and he's a college-educated IT specialist - but I'd still call myself the intellectual in our house.

It works the other way around, too. My parents were academics and pretty well-off (until my dad lost most of our wealth playing the stock market, but that's another story), and when, after 2 years of college, I realized I couldn't hack it and instead found myself taking great pleasure in the manual work I did in my

"Women's natural desire for submission" - gtfo.

I dunno, if there's one country we shouldn't try to be more like, it's Germany. As long as you have the option to change your name, I don't see the harm in letting parents name their kids whatever they like.

They do that here in Georgia, too - only they usually park and old RV or trailer about 15-20ft. behind the jump for maximum entertainment.

That luggage had better be filled with cocaine!