
I get having favorites and rose-tinted glasses - I will defend to the death my lovely Frenchmobile, even though it's objectively not very good at what it tries to be - but I don't get hostility towards other enthusiast's tastes.

Oh wow. I seriously never would have imagined that.

But for that price you could buy a Miata AND a surplus jet engine and probably have cash left to pay for your burial.

Hot-rodding is cool, but I think I prefer more "historically correct" hot rods - i.e. not going too far into restomod territory. A newer engine is par for the course, I think that's been done since hot rods are around, but those cup holders, and was that a modern audio system in the rear shelf? That's really cramping

I think that can probably be pinned largely on the Germans, because for the longest time since the 80s, luxury brands by and large tried to be Mercedes or BMW.

Well ok, so that was a bad example - but the car world is still full of meaningless letter-number names. The letter X is especially popular in that regard, because we're still in the 90s apparently ad nothing is radder than having an X in the name. And no, it's not an acceptable spelling for "cross".

Oh I like the actual old names, too - it's just that the retro (as in, trying to recall old times while being new and different) names don't work. The MK is completely unnecessary and doesn't even mean anything anymore, and the old names are way better, but apprently Ford is afraid they wouldn't sound techno enough.

The cars have to have some name, don't they? And I think actual names (i.e. Civic, Explorer etc) are not only (potentially) cooler than letter/number combinations, as I wrote in another comment, they don't explictly promise something - not that all letter/number names do (like, what's MR-2 stand for? Mini Racer-2?, or

I dunno, could be a bullshit excuse - but then again, a coworker riding with me in a company truck once dumped hot coffee in my lap while I was driving, and it gave me a good enough shock that I could only barely stop the fully loaded Ford Super Duty on the shoulder.

I guess it's a bit too late for them to abandon letter/number model names, but the obvious solution would be giving the cars actual names.

Oh, you.

My commute is two-part: from my house to my company's workshop in my car, which I mostly enjoy, because northern Georgia is beautiful.

When I was in high school (early 90s), my best friend had a hand-me-down 70s El Camino with a camper shell - we went on so many trips with that thing!

I can imagine wearing one of these during a long session of videogaming on a sunday, because pyjamas/payjama-like garments are the ultimate gaming wear - in fact I spent my two years in college gaming in pyjamas (back in '94, CRPGs weren't for the faint of heart or short of time) before I pulled the plug.

Jolene, I think, is not very representative of sex workers in the Bay Area, or anywhere else, so I find her presumption to be speaking for all sex workers a bit irritating.

I don't get why they edited out the halters on some of the pictures? Do the actual products have halters or not??

Oh c'mon. The old "civvies just don't understand" argument? You don't have to have served in the military to have an informed opinion on it.

I actually find that a much more sympathetic interior. Less luxurious for sure, but there's something I like about big square/round knobs and no screens whatsoever.

Whoops, I meant 300 grand obviously. I already have a car that demands all my attention, both in time and money, and I don't earn all that much.

Doesn't mean you have to expedite this outcome, mr. tough guy.