
Was it really necessary to point out how attractive they were? Nobody ever mentions, say, Jay Leno's appearance when he does something with one of his many cars. Nice job catching yourself on the chauvinism, but there ya go again.

If I had the cash, this would be the sportscar I'd get. What good is a screamingly fast supercar that tests the limits of your back and nerves on the road? For nearly 3 grand, I'd want a car that can do it all, including cruising at city speeds in comfort.

Especially the bro-ness. When did the bro become the universal standard for white male coolness?

Especially since the "romance" is usually ridiculously one-dimensional, and how else could it be? You can't make it anything else but immature and superficial, because otherwise you'd have to devote a significant chunk of the game to it, and who wants that??

Yeah, it's possible. Still kind of sucks for me as a woman. In a movie, it's different because while I should usually identify in some way with the protagonist, I am not the protagonist, but in a game I am, or at least I definitely want to feel like I am (as an old RPG gamer).

But with my shitty rural Georgia internet, could I even play it? Its emphasis is on online play, right?

Yeah, way to portray car enthusiasts as bro-racers.

Eveb if it's practically a moot point, having no limit on abortion makes the situation more stable - a "yes, period" is harder to attack than a "yes, but".

The joke being that he both has a beard and is non-European.

It would be, were it not for her being a "video-game-fantasy-mostly-undressed festival organizer" (quote from the article). It doesn't matter if she's the coordinator, in the same way that it doesn't matter that Peach is a princess and therefore theoretically might have political power. What matters is that she

All o' dem fancy yurrpeans look the same anyway, not one proper beard in sight...!

I think in this case it is fair to put the rights of the unborn fetus second. I mean, a mother has lived for years on this planet, the consequences for her are tangible, for the fetus everything is purely hypothetical.

That's my opinion. Just because I didn't add IMHO doesn't mean I presume to have things figured out. When I say things, obviously they are my perspecitve on things and not some divine truth, and a consensus will have to be found.

Sorry, don't mean to attack you, but I don't get where your disagreement with my post lies. I referred to the "grown-up approach of Gran Turismo and the regular Forza" (i.e. the Forza games so far).

Sorry, but that's just drivel. Even if your daughter was a person, as long as she was in your body, she was under your prerogative.

Yeah, but what is presented in this game as car culture is actually pretty far removed from the real thing. Even as someone who is fairly new to car culture, I think if people are not interested in cars seriously (and let's face it most people aren't), all "hooking them somehow" does is create poseurs.

Yeah, but that's not the same. I probably won't convince you, but it's like I said to Matt - sidekicks and rivals are ultimately just staffage in a video game. I mean, your goal is to become the best racer, and for me as a woman, at the end of the game, it's just another dude who's shown overybody who's boss and it's

Yeah, isn't racing exciting enough in itself?

Overlooked is the right word - I can't imagine they seriously thought about it and then scratched it because it would have cost a couple of thousands or so more, seeing how much money this game must have cost to produce.

Yeah, but why did they over-sell it? Bc they were afraid cars alone are not cool enough these days anymore.