
That's not the same, in the same way that a black sidekick is not the same as a black main character (the race thing is just as bad - what, there are no black car enthusiasts?). Even more so in a video game, where rivals are essentially obstacles to overcome, not characters to identify with.

Because apparently the writers thought that music fesitvals is where it's a t for "cool kids".

Word. I have absolutely no problem with the no-nonsense, grown-up approach of Gran Turismo or the regular Forza.

And women get left out again? Yes, playing as a guy probably wouldn't diminish the fun of game all that much for me - but damn, it can be fucking frustrating that people don't realize that women play video games and are car enthusiasts, too.

But being in- or outside the womb makes all the difference! Mother's body, mother's prerogative. Outside of her body, not her prerogative anymore.

It would probably be, but bodily autonomy is IMO too important a principle to endanger it by saying "yes, but".

What is it with the "time limit"? I know people who are otherwise very liberal, and very pro-choice who argue for time limits on abortion. How does fetal viability make any difference to the right of a woman to bodily autonomy? As long as the fetus isn't born, it's not a person, period.

Nu-uh. For close to 20k, I'd want a real car. These are fun, I remember them from holidays on Barbados - but not 20k worth of fun.

I know it was stupid brinkmanship on Reagan's part and wholly unjustified. But I do I think Putin at least comes very close to actually being "evil". He's no Hitler, but it seems that he has disturbingly little regard for individual freedom or the opinions of others; I think were he not under international scrutiny,

I doubt they are looking all that hard, what with state-sanctioned discrimination against any and all who dare deviate from the norm. It's unjust to call Russia the "Evil Empire" like Reagan did, because many Russians would love to live in a more open, just place.

Stories like this one make me glad I did not enter into an office job like my parents would have wanted and became a craftswoman (I'm a construction carpenter).

I wouldn't give it up JUST for him, and not all of it. There's plenty of fairly inoffensive and even some progressive Southern Rock - the thing is, I often feel a bit weird listening to some of the records myself, like I'm jamming out to the music and bam! there's something really offensive or tone-deaf in the lyrics.

The written character. I've never actually listened to the BBC productions, and when the movie came out I was far from a teenager already.

Oh, I know all these artists.

They're not really Southern Rock, though are they?

If you put it that way it feels a lot more noble. And I definitely know about Ford Prefect - I had a teenage crush on him :)

I'm leaning toward this as well. Coincidentally, the better bands are also the ones whose lyrics are mostly ok. Take Lynyrd Skynyrd (the classic records - not that pandering trainwreck of today) - they have their share of problematic lyrics, but ultimately they're not any more sexist than, say Led Zeppelin, and

I have to admit I cheated. I did not actually come up with it by myself - Renault Fuego is the make and model of my car. So I guess I'm disqualified :(

I could use some advice on liking morally/politically questionable music. Basically, I'm a big fan of Southern Rock - I've lived in the South all my life (except for a short stint in Connecticut during my childhood), and Southern Rock is the music I grew up with.

Oh, I've got one!