
How do these people never go bankrupt while doing crazy stuff without earning any money? I mean, her career can't have made her that rich?

Well the people who typically wear it tend to choose the boring square stuff, of which they do make plenty. Can't alienate loyal customers.

This is so out there I can't even get outraged. It's like if I saw my boyfriend having sex with an alien - there is cause to be mad, but I'm too stumped to be.

Spaced remains his best work to date. He's done other great stuff, but spaced is something special.

Like other people said, most likely never will work. That's because a pregnancy requires much more than just an unterus, for starters it also depends on very specific hormonal changes in the body that in are influenced by the brain and it there seems to be no conceivably way of inducing these changes just as needed in

It's not like the speed you have to sacrifice to not put others in severe danger is enough to seep all the fun out of driving. I bet most cars will squeal their tires even at speeds that keep you safely in your own lane.

I can't say that's something I would do, but at least you seem to have some method to it other than "check it bro, 110! holy shit can you believe what would happen if oh shi-"

Oh yeah, I read all about it in the paper, apparently the "brass" would love to make NASCAR kinds of money and are trying to give the events a more family-friendly direction.

Like, an old Mini? Because that's just short of suicidal.

I don't have a problem with people driving fast as long as the road is free, but cutting corners over the center line (he only does it a little bit) is some reckless shit.

It's like you almost can't win - make the car too super and exotic and there will probably tons of problems with it and you'll run out of money trying to fix them.

But back then the Prius was basically without competition, and electric cars et al. had not yet gotten of the ground. Today cars are getting a lot mroe efficient much faster so I don't think you can compare back then and today.

I think what you're getting are the regressive northerners. And mafiosi who need to lay low, who are not known for their positive impact on society either...

Am I the only one who is uncomfortably reminded of colonial-time imagery by the Royals pictures?

Maybe it's just me, but IMO all these old eastern philosophical (or whatever) traditions are mostly adopted by people in the west as yet another way to feel superior and preach down to the poor non-believers, not unlike bigots do.

This is purely hypothetical, as I think buying new cars is a waste of money.

That car seems way more suited to cruising down seaside boulevards someplace with palm trees than racing. But then again, I know little about cars and nothing about this car.

I dunno. I've grown to really like 80s sporty cars. But 2,600$ is no small change, and honestly, a previous owner who smoked in the car is a red flag. I smoke myself, but I wouldn't ever do it in my car, because the smell of old cigarettes is disgusting even to me.

Florida's just ahead of the times. Just because all you people in your fancy northern states insist on delaying it does not mean you'll be safe from the inevitable.

That's a nice song, it has a driving, fun rhythm, which cannot be said for all indie bands.