
Makes it all the more impressive. I had to drive a pickup truck on the job once when the power steering was broken, and I could just barely keep it going where I wanted...

It looks like a real life Hot Wheels car. Now all it needs is a crazy metallic paintjob and super thin axles that bend when you're not careful.

Is it designed to work like the appendages these scary deep-sea fish have? You sit in a dark, glum bar, the radiant light attracts suitors, and then you swallow them with your nightmarish needle-toothed maw (300,000 dollars for surgery, but SO worth it. Better pay attention though, I heard cheap hair gel gives the

He's actually the product of a top secret Chinese government project to make people in propaganda posters come alive. Hence that ultra-lean asketic look and the perfect skyward angle of his gaze.

There's not enough rimshots in the world...

Holy Shit that car is gigantic. I wonder if it has power steering, because if not she must have arms to make Madonna green with envy.

Just look at her attire! These flappers are ruining everything, I tell you. What's next, the mistress on top during hanky-panky?

I get that you love your car and care for it. But at some point you'll have to ask yourself: "Did I buy this to gaze at spotless shiny perfection, or to drive and enjoy?"

I have small breasts, and I have neither animosity or much love for them. They're sort of there and sometimes it feels really nice to touch them/have them touched, but I could say the same about my ears or my belly.

If I had to guess, I'd say this is only going to become more commonplace. I mean, look at the fashion industry - cheap copies of expensive designs is probably what most people wear every day. There is some variation and also creativity in the mass market designs, but more often than not you can pinpoint the

That's because he used to take some major heat for jokes that were considered shaming, or male-centric and now he basically tries to mimic the other writers, but it doesn't seem to come naturally to him.

And THAT is how you deliver a punch line. All these people telling jokes long-winding jokes in bars need to watch this, because if the setup is long-winded, you better not screw up the punch line.

That's social regression for you!

I'm way excited for that Anna Nicole Smith biopic, here's hoping they get it right.

Everyone's like "haha I'm so scared", but the thought of being pregnant/giving birth freaks me out something fierce. One of the reasons I plan on staying childless.

On the last item re: Miss Burns's driving I actually stood up for her... maybe I should recant that. Seemed to me then she was just your typical harmless stoner driver, but I read up a bit on her exploits, and indeed it looks like she's simply unfit to drive.

Yeah, it's not like I can only hate one guy at a time. I'm a veritable hate-machine if you give me the right reasons!

I feel like an ass now. Sorry I snapped at you. I often get too defensive about drugs, because here in the South, many people literally believe any and all drugs are the devil at work.

To this day I have not figured out how to walk in heels without making an ass out of myself and ending up with blisters and sore feet.

Psh, Ricky, as all the pros know you need more than that to really get that transubstantiating effect.