
PSAs like this are done in good intention, but they lack any nuance whatsoever. You can be an alcoholic and never be out of control. Alcohol can be a very effective means to quickly cope with stress, and you can still be a great parent. Being slightly drunk around your kid won't hurt them.

Oh, and another thing, all you sanctimonius, holier-than-thou "ZOMG they're enabling her!" (Cat Marnell, that is) commenters, and anyone else going "I can't believe how irresponsible this is!", quit your whining already.

That's because you holier-than-thou sober people are insufferable with your false sense of superiority. Drugs are a completely normal part of many adults' lives and while they are dangerous, that's really something people should be able to decide for themselves.

Don't do opiates? What the hell kind of advice is that coming from someone who supposedly has the inside line on drugs? Opiates are no different from other hard drugs when it comes to danger potential. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is such a thing as recreational heroin use.

Man, woman hating comes in so many flavors. There's the "why are they askign for it, I'm jsut trying to be a good Christian here", there's "women today are such frigid harpies, would it kill them to occasionally bet a bit nice to me" etc ad infinitum.

That's because while fashion is made all over the world, fashion is judged in Paris and New York. Other places may have fashion magazines as well, but their opinions are nowhere near as valued.

I didn't know "Yoghurt by the bucket" was something positive. One of the things that bothers me most, from a consumer's perspective, is that Wal-Marts package sizes blur the line between retail and wholesale. Unless you have a really big family, you'll end up throwing away lots of stuff.

What must not be, cannot be, apparently.

Yeah, but no harm can ever come from an excorcism, right? Not like it's poptentially a deeply traumatic experience, especially if you're a child who has no clue what's going on.

I used to have a Great Dane, gave it to my parents once when I went on vacation. My parents got so worried they called me in France, in a time before cellphones no less, because my dog "wouldn't eat". Turns out he was eating as usual, but I had neglected to tell them that a huge dog doesn't necessarily eat huge

This seems like these sneaky ads for old-timey vibrators. I mean, buy a "massage stick" for your nether regions, and this thing, and you've got the full-on threesome foreplay experience.

Because lots and lots of movie scenes would be considerably less creepy/tense if it was, say, green.

I wasn't commenting on her characters in the two movies - there's no doubt The 5th Element is a vastly superior movie, and Jovovich has a much better role.

These movies are like money generators for the Anderson/Jovovich family (they're married), I wonder if periodically they're like "all right, used up all those millions again, time to make another RE movie" - "ok, baby, but let's use some more CGI this time, I'm not getting any younger you know."

Boo! There are other ways to be hot than super-long hair and super feminine.

Interventions CAN work, but why on earth would you subject your daughter to the humiliation of appearing on the show of Dr. Gasbag? If you really care about her, keep it pirvate! There's a reason it's called Alcholics Anonymous - going sober/clean is much harder when everybody you meet knows about your addiction and

When I was slightly younger than Miley I had my first serious break-up and after the initial shock I somehow thought/pretended to myself I was now this super jaded, seen-it-all cynic. I bought a lot of black clothes and a Tom Waits hat and told my best friend that "love is for suckers, anyway". One year later I was

"I don't always frequent the comments section, but when I do I rule the place!"

To think that hundreds of thousands of innocent babies are exposed to nipples everyday - literally have them pushed in their faces - it makes me sick to no end!

That's why I support drag racing, like God intended. Sure, some idiots even fuck up going in a straight line, but you're far less likely to end up wrapped around a lightpole because you pulled the e-brake at 50 miles an hour, because that's, like, what the Asian guys do on youtube, right?