
Here goes the commentariat beating off to a dead horse once again

Ugh what a disgusting situation.

Is it already Colorblindness Awareness Month?

Bobby Cox’s last game in the 2010 NLDS. I was 20. Set my expectations too high for the Braves’ first playoff appearance in 5 years, school was stressing me out, I’d never known the Braves with another manager. I got through it eventually.

McElwain was mostly mad because the throat slash is a classic Miami move. Taylor should’ve done finger pistols to show he’s all in for Florida.

A string of summer camp streaking incidents like this was what originally led the LDS church to require special underwear for its members.

[sobbing] b-b-b-but Skittles was such a good dog

This is probably not the best way to show that Deadspin supports adoption.

Retroactively editing draft boards? Chad? I come to Deadspin to read about sports, not issues arising during the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush!!!

What else would you expect from Kevin Da Rant

I ain't leavin' no damn tip 'til you bring me the scallops I ordered three hours ago! Lennay's hungry!

See what had happened was Bernier had heard someone say the event was for Madiba, which he mistakenly heard as "Manika," which he believed to be a nickname for famed Finnish ski jumper Matti Nykänen, who (as it turns out) is not dead but rather still living, who once was arrested for assaulting his sausage

Flying! with former Mississippi Braves manager Phillip Wellman:

Meat is protein. Fat is fat. They have different chemical structures. They both taste good usually.


Radio Host Who Wouldn't Stick To Sports: "Yeah and have I mentioned I married a cheerleader well I married a cheerleader so you probably should hear about the time I married a cheerleader and she's my wife who is a cheerleader who I married and I am now married to this cheerleader who is my wife."

If these Michigan players had brushed up on American history they would've known a ceremony to drive a spike in the ground usually leads to being run over by a train.

Dumb nerd was just trying to adjust his invisible glasses before trying to "perform" "feats" of "athleticism" """"

The rest of the crowd was later ejected for yelling the exact same thing at the Braves lineup.

Don't worry. When this city starts showing any potential for soccer greatness, Real will immediately swoop in and sign it to a massive contract.