
Key term in my post: “from the larger gaming community”, implying that some dissenters exist.

Who is this strawman that you’ve constructed? I’ve only seen positive reactions to this from the larger gaming community.

Lor’themar 2020

Apologies... but this has been on my mind recently.

I used to stock shelves at one. They’re all over New England.

I don’t agree with you, but I’m giving you a star anyway because you’ve basically captured how I feel about everything right now.

Firstly, calling YongYea a ‘provocateur’ is kind of ridiculous. He’s a gaming news aggregator. Calling him a provocateur is adding layers of unnecessary shade.

I’m a huuuuuuge Bethesda-RPG player, and last week I just discovered that Fallout 76 has level-locked items... which a massive ‘nope’ for me. Even without the reports of bugs, that would seal the games fate for me on principle alone.

This is what primaries are for. Even if he doesn’t get far, at least he’ll add energy and maybe even a little bit of classic camera-grabbing drama to the proceedings.

I think the understanding of what white-culture ‘should’ be is more the issue. And there’s also just plain old human insecurity.

Last night was a victory, but I can’t help but feel like it was just a repeat of every mid-term election after any new president is elected: the opposition has almost always done well historically. It just felt so... status quo.

I’m not stressed. Are you stressed? I’m not.

Activision/Blizzard is a massive corporation, and the people in that audience are paying customers. Comparing this to a murder and casting Blizzard as the victim is irrational hyperbole and gross.

I reject that notion as reductive.

We had a fascinating slack/breakroom discussion about this at our studio, and the take-way was that neither the fans or the Immortal devs are really to blame or deserve scorn. It’s those who made the behind the scenes choices leading up to this past weekend that truly deserve the ire.

Every time a Gizmodo site posts something related to these movies, the echo-chamber of people who think they’re too cool for them rolls out like clockwork.

I do.

When I was younger, in the halcyon days of the 2000s and the 90s, there were tiers of science fiction and fantasy. Levels of concepts related to the threat presented by them, and what sort of impact they might have on say, a DnD campaign.

There’s nothing unique or insightful about the reasons young people don’t vote. They haven’t turned out for decades, and they never will.

Starred for Kamchatka.