
Yeah, no. Him thinking they’re more attractive without makeup is just him sharing an opinion. He’s not shitting on women who wear makeup by stating that, any more than me saying I’m more attracted to women with short hair styles shits on women with long hair styles.

To the fools who gave these women a hard time: quit the internet, please.

In the name of Earther (but not for Earther itself), I will buy $200 million worth of untouched natural land and set up a trust so that it will remain preserved for as long as possible in the face of a growing human footprint.

My mother had MS, which means there’s an increased chance that I’ll also have it.

Bannerlord is somehow even more frustrating to me, because we’ve seen the game again and again, and it looks like they could release it tomorrow and people would be perfectly satisfied with it...

My problem is that my head-cannon Thor is still the comic books one from about ten years ago. That Thor was really the culmination of his arc up until that point, and he seemed like a really wise and excellent sort of guy. They were setting him up to be the next Odin in the lead-up to Jane Foster’s take on the

As someone who is presently going through a minor episode of depression, everything you just wrote sounds incredibly confusing and off-putting. I can’t imagine what it must sound like to someone who’s really suffering from paralyzing depression.

I fully accept that T’Challa would make the best leader out of the offered choices, but I wouldn’t mind a Thor victory either! Sure, he’s had his issues in the past, but unlike Captain America and Iron Man, he’s long since overcome his most problematic views.

Now playing

Any opportunity to post a Lindsey Ellis video should be taken:

That MG42 picture... I kind of want those sneakers.

That’s not...

This might be a good place to ask this: is anyone here aware of any good Chinese or Japanese historical war dramas, in the vein of Braveheart or Kingdom of Heaven, that doesn’t include super-human kung-fu and martial arts fighting? I’d really love to watch more historical movies from other culture’s perspectives, but

That rapid movement you see when he’s in bed ain’t his eyes, though. XD

The point is to pay people more, so they are happier, and so they can improve the very same economy of which they are part of. Who knows, they might even start buying more products through Amazon if they had more cash.

The Russian’s were deliberately trying to spoil the pot then and now. If anything, it just means that all parties and factions involved should be more vigilant about foreign influences and trolls, rather than waste time attacking each other and laying blame at the others feet.

I mean, if you increase someone’s pay, but dial-back their benefits, then they really didn’t get “what they asked for”.

They’ll be fine once they sell the company and/or the assets.

In these modern times, the cynical take is always the correct one.

This comments section is cancer.

where is the progressive base in West Virginia that is going to carry a far left Senator to victory in an election where any candidate willing to put a “D” next to their name is going to be critical to take control of the Senate away from Mitch McConnell?