It’s the “wrong” engine and trans, but a 22RE with a manual in this condition would easily fetch five figures.
It’s the “wrong” engine and trans, but a 22RE with a manual in this condition would easily fetch five figures.
Well, I’m in Oklahoma, which is Little Texas, so it’s probably about the same.
HEY!! We’re not old. We were just born a really long time ago.
Honestly, I think the saddest part is the fact that nobody kicked that kid’s ass over that chump shit. How can you just watch a seemingly defenseless person being assaulted like that?
“To most of the world”??? Since when are you the spokesman for “the rest of the world”? Get over yourself, little man.
I fucking hate millenials.
You mean The Napster wasn’t bullshitting when he said he was going to get speakers so loud they blow a girl’s clothes off?
yeah, I just assumed he was going to punch the grey-haired gentleman w/ his back to the camera! Becuase...holy shit, do people describe me as “the old guy”? Even when I wear my skinny jeans?
Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!
Your initial comment began by denigrating prospective owners as guilty of virtue signalling. While you may not be a neoconservative, that part of your comment strongly suggests that your political leanings are to the right, and that you’re happy to advertise that stance.
You use the term “virtue signal”, bring up “gotcha” points that, while indeed are facts, pretty much every car enthusiast (or at least reader of this site) knows already, and claim you don’t have an axe to grind?
Right, because gas magically appears at a pump. Last time I checked, large amounts of power were involved in the sourcing, production, and transportation of oil. Then, you have the power involved with refining and transportation of gasoline. Then the power that all of the gas stations use to then get it from their…
I tend to sleep around 8 hours in between needing to drive 300 miles at a time. It seems to work out pretty well. If I don’t have the ability to charge during that time, or drive more than that frequently, I think I’d pick a different car.
Charging off the grid during non-peak times is likely still more efficient than individual gasoline engines and the infrastructure they require.
To be fair, it is a lot easier to shift the burden of clean energy to the grid and not to each and every individual car. So, your energy “could” conceivably be clean, depending on where your power comes from. That can never be the case for a gasoline-powered car.
Of course, you then descend into a rabbit hole about the…
National Security Event. 72nd United Nations General Assembly. Sigh no one cares about current events...... also, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn NY. Google it.....
What was it doing there? Probably flying a route that was pre-coordinated and deconflicted with local aviation authorities.
The main rotor moves at 725fps or close to 500mph. Depending on air speed that can put it close to the speed of sound. Hitting a 5lb object at that speed can cause serious damage to pretty much anything.
Stay under 400 feet AGL. It’s a regulation for a reason - deconfliction. Apparently it “bounced right off” after denting the fuselage, a transparency, and a rotor. This is why drone operators should be held responsible for being irresponsible - because it’s a behavior that endangers OTHERS.
No sign of the operator due to the operator not wanting to face the music for their illegal (and dumb) activities