
It’s only real in your example because they got out at the right time, not unlike stocks. But the nature of Bitcoin fanboys suggests that they’ll just hang onto it because of its perceived value. But ultimately, it’s only worth as much as someone else will pay for it, unlike government-backed currency, which has a

Without excusing his behavior, I can honestly say that the good outweighs the bad when it comes to Franken. And we can’t say that about most of the other people in question.

If Derek Jeter is really as big a hero and leader and True Yankee that some have made him out to be, he has a duty to pretend he used steroids just so we can make all of this shit go away.

In prison, he’ll be the bun.

I think you misspelled “fapping.”

No, Mr. President; mental health is your problem here.

The way he’s holding it up makes it look like he was the author of the post.

Interestingly enough, the one guy who definitely should get this treatment probably won’t: Mike Scioscia. He’ll probably escape the noose again because the Angels managed to be quasi-competitive even with all of the injuries, but it’s time for him to go, not because you’re guaranteed someone better, but just to break

Don’t tell that to smarmy-ass Steve Garvey and his Lego hair on the local postgame: “You know what would’ve happened in 1981 if I would’ve flipped my bat like that? Hurrr durrrrrrrr....”

Here’s the thing about In-n-Out: It’s really not all that incredible in a vacuum, but it’s one of those things that you tend to get a specific craving for. Plus, at least for me, part of the draw is that the menu is really simple, and they’ve also managed to employ the 1 percent of young people who aren’t total

“Maybe I don’t have it anymore.”

You shamelessly straw-manned that meatlog guy. Tell me I’m wrong.

Even if those smaller, nuanced reasons really did exist (which is debatable to begin with), any nuance should have been obliterated within Trump’s first few weeks if office. He’s actually broken most of his campaign promises, which is entirely normal, only in his case, he’s broken them in favor of even worse policies.

He’s like David Eckstein, if Eckstein had been good at baseball.

I think the real shooter might still be at large:

guys with ties to Cuba (and other Latin American countries represented in Miami), and to the Miami area itself, are out there, at a variety of price points.

That story is not even a little stupid. And when combined with your excellent user name, it’s downright good.

I figured you for a Ballast Point guy, what with all the money they gave to Paul Ryan.

Re: Jersey Mike’s:

“I thought only white people could be gritty.”