
She should put her mask on so her hands are free to push Joe Manchin down the stairs.

Because it’s become sort of like saying you didn’t like the Ghostbusters reboot.

“Contrary to Ted Cruz’s assertions” should basically be the Democratic party’s platform at this point.

Yeah that all definitely makes sense, and I love O’Rourke as well. Plus, I’m perfectly happy keeping Newsom here either way, but he’s smart and moderate and charismatic, and he’s rightfully going to have a lot of political capital in his pocket going forward, which is only furthered by the fact that most of his

This whole thing is such a bunch of horseshit. Newsom should create an ad where he just looks right into the camera and says, “Scoreboard” before it cuts to the Covid numbers and then fades to black.

“Sold 1.5M PPV Top 10 Ever

Ooh, it’s like the assorted musings from the end of those The Walking Dead recaps on IO9!

It does to pro-lifers, but you’re not wrong.

It’s our job to brush them back and restore the society we’re born in.”

If only that were true.

They don’t just think it; for them, privileges and rights are effectively the same.

I thought Daft Cunt broke up. Maybe we can Get Lucky and send this one Around the World.

Either way, good is not the enemy of perfect.

You know what? I’m going to be totally blunt here: It sounds good to me too!

Both Olbermann and Moore were being hyperbolic, but the root of their commentary is based on a kind of red state disdain that has never felt more outdated.

“You’re telling me that the actual priorities of the Democrats [are] renaming a post office and now canceling Dr. Seuss?”

“cancel culture is a dangerous phenomenon whether you agree or disagree with the views being censored.”