
You know all these internet platforms where you do not have username? Now anyone can go and register and Parler in your name too.

While I want it to happen, I suspect that they have more immediate priorities for rebuilding stuff. Like power plants, hospitals, schools and so on.

Miata, right? The answer is always Miata.

Kill spiders. You just need to add a lighter.

All the financial “advice” I ever got from these guys is to buy mutual funds with high administrative fees.

I have noticed that having a setup with a center speaker helps a lot.

Occam’s razor: because they are fucking racists, that’s why.

Last I checked you can add all Steam games as windows start menu entries or desktop icons and launch them with one click.I do not do it because it is easier to find them in Steam UI than Windows (can I has please Win95 start menu back?). But the option is there. Same for Steam on Chrome OS.

Yeah, it is another example of buying a car for the 1% scenario. 99% of time you don’t need this extra feature, except for the very important 1% of time you do need it. We are 2+1 with family across the pond so we are fine with 5 seater. Except when going camping or skiing. So a roofbox now. I guess I could get a

Sorry, the kidneys are fine. This one looks like Voldemort.

Not everyone has a basketball team of kids. 5-seater is fine for 2+1 or 2+2.

It is the best one.

It is OK as long as it can be disabled.

Who do you think manufactures the games on disc? Each one has to be approved by Sony and on PS1 they were actually physically manufactured by Sony. It is no different from buying digital copy. Considering that every game gets an update anyway, there is absolutely no difference between buying physical or digital copy,

That is why I only “buy” digital downloads now, when they are on deep discounted sales. Plus my wife can count the physical discs ;-)

People still buy discs? I thought Playstation has a Blu-ray drive so you can watch movies some well meaning older person gifts to you on occasion?

It is escalate to de-eascalate strategy.

I learned one lesson when renting a house.


Looks like a dirt road to me.