
I play with repairing iPhones as a hobby and the parts pairing is a major nuisance. But iCloud lock is even worse. People lose or e-waste their devices and they never bother removing them from their FMI so they become paperweights, good for parts at most, except these parts are unusable because of fucking pairing.

A good test of microwave shielding is to listen to some music over Bluetooth headphones while looking at the food cooking in it.

Being an engineer in the industry he should have known better than to let a Tesla drive itself but still he believed Tesla hype. The lawsuit was all about hype Tesla created for FSD and how it’s capabilities were misrepresented.

I am going to be unpopular opinion puffin today and think that this looks like shitty maintenance.

And make it bigger. Much bigger. Dare I say huuuuuuuge!

Obviously, since it is fucking America, SUE!

What is the worst that could happen? Bunch of idiots damage their sight? Maybe they will spontaneously combust!

As much as I am a fan of XPS line, this keyboard on XPS looks like a flaming pile shit.

Looks like they have right priorities.

The Google problem was overly restrictive prompt (probably adding +and make it racially diverse to every people image generation prompt). They will fix it eventually.

It should be called “fabricated by AI evidence”

I am sure it will work as well as fall detection in ski resorts.

The keyboard looks unusable. No well defined borders between keys. Garbage.

I never knew there will be consequences of my actions!

Pinky promise!

What others?


The more important part is HOW TO REMOVE YOUR IDEVICE FROM FMI when you take it to ewaste, trade it in or sell it. Because all these icloud locked devices generate enormous amount of ewaste and they could be reused.

back pain, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea”
