
And any other type of advice from celebrities.

They all have similar stupid haircuts with hair getting into their eyes. But it is OK, because they are permanently confused and they have no fucking idea what they are doing and why.

Yeah, the prices seem fine for mere mortals like me. I wonder how much extra packages would cost (lockers etc).

Since 2018 backup cameras are mandatory in US. And probably earlier than that in other civilized countries. So how can it be a part of a luxury package? It should be installed even on poverty spec models.

My 6yo watched the Youtube video from the creator and wanted to try it too. He likes it.

I’d say we need to invest more into drugs and longevity research to be able to achieve aforementioned bliss without following bunch of stupid rules and a minor nuisance of dying after all that.

It only looks like a great purchase until you take it to your Car Wizard.

Is anyone still using these scooters? I haven’t seen many of them recently.

expensive != luxury

I am sure it could be easily implemented in China.

There have been line following robots for decades. Kids can make them in Scratch on Arduino. It is that simple.

I think of all the Corvettes C3 with fat tires looks the best.

They just want to hide them so we don’t know when they are trying to mind control us.

Don’t forget about Russia too

You will never know until you try?

It will work great with glass obstacles like windows.

The difference can be only determined after the death of person in question.

Stay away from townhouse complexes and apartment complexes, nobody gives a crap about Halloween there.

Im 49 but my kid keeps me grounded in reality, also called IRL, by showing me these YT videos ;-)

My 6yo kid’s head will explode though. He wanted to see Dream’s face because it was a secret. But he wanted to be the only one to see it.