Yes, I guess a counterfeit car without warranty is still better than no car for buyers in Russia. But how many parts do they have in stock to continue production? For 100 cars? We are talking about modern just-in-time manufacturing.
Yes, I guess a counterfeit car without warranty is still better than no car for buyers in Russia. But how many parts do they have in stock to continue production? For 100 cars? We are talking about modern just-in-time manufacturing.
I am a bozo.
6 year old Subaru means that the engine was eating and leaking oil like crazy and probably shat itself so he probably replaced it with refurb engine. My friend has a vintage Forester and basically keeps adding oil till this thing will finally die. Probably somewhere in the middle of Death Valley when he is out camping…
And how this would help Russia? They could build few more cars from parts in stock? But how would they get a VIN for them? They wouldn’t have warranty either or couldn’t be serviced by Renault. What next? Developing their own supply chain and new car models?
Where do you work (and how much do you make)?
Very wise decision on an off-roader.
Electric cars still have blinkers, so they still can replace the blinker fluid on quarterly service?
Just report these assholes to Youtube for harmful or dangerous acts.
Finally, the wait is over! Flying cars are here!
No matter how bad it will get NATO will not send the troops there.
“They’ll file for you.” if they have all the information already, they also know what deductions you take, or just apply standard deduction is works better in many cases.
I do not know why people complain. Obviously it is a great opportunity to go to the store a buy a new Mac.
It happens all to often and gets widely reported by media, so maybe it is redundant?
How about when you need to deliver 6 feet diameter pizza?
If he was good at economics, would he be working as pizza delivery guy?
I remember there were lists of new cars under $10K ;-)
Yeah, I enjoy it too. But I have my doubts about this being an effective policy.
Maybe it is deep for Musk? Not everyone is as smart as you.
Maybe they didn’t know where they were on the first day.
Because as the owner of Ukraine, he can wager it.