
On the other hand, wait till the last minute, because when your broker sends you amended 1099 you will have to do this shit all over again.

Most likely a scam. And no.


It needs NFTs. Where are the NFTs?! Square Enix promised us NFTs!


I feel PS4 still has a lot of life left in it. Especially PS4 Pro.

Why didn’t they name it Jalopa?

Jeez, put a cup on space key.

Tell it to my wife.


Really? This is a great life hack my 6yo learned on Youtube and shares with me every few days.

Yep. I think all sales like this should be upfront about it.

Yep. I think all sales like this should be upfront about it.

Updates till June 2024?

Updates till June 2024?

Stolen from Germany.


/me is removing Tesla from my shopping list.

You would have to pry my WK2 key from my cold dead hands ;-)


It is like your phone. But worse and slower. And it mostly doesn’t work. And the moment you get out of the car you do not have access to anything you have done there. Such a winning combination.

I get a strong Aztek vibe from this one.