Well, none of these make sense until she drives them and sees how she feels. Motion sickness sucks.
Well, none of these make sense until she drives them and sees how she feels. Motion sickness sucks.
Huh? I have given whole bunch of folding knives to friends and all of them loved them. I have a friend that gives away Sanrenmu clones of a famous brand he buys by dozen like candy.
I do not know what “feeze-dried” is. Probably another pet food fad.
You should also wrap all the glass bottles you throw in the trash with multiple layers of bubble wrap, because otherwise they can break and sharp pieces can cut someone handling the trash.
Everybody using Steam would be very convenient.
Fuck no.
Depends on a brand. Some like BMW will let you order from factory and you can customize everything. Others like Toyota will be virtually impossible to order from factory.
Do they get more likes if the dog bites off their stupid face?
1st effin rule of offroading is deflating your tires. how much it depends on how much sidewall you have, beadlocks, your tire and vehicle weight, so it is also a matter of experimenting what gives you best traction. so, if you are going offroading into deep snow, deflating somewhat would definitely help traction.
Yeah, Ryobi is cheap crap. But any 18V tool >> 12V in my experience.
Yeah, Ryobi is cheap crap. But any 18V tool >> 12V in my experience.
Or wait a bit for the official stuff from Google?
Spring in California started like 2 months ago when it was raining and stuff started growing again ;-)
Well, skateboarding involves a lot of more falling and sitting on your butt but it is much safer than skiing because both your legs are safely attached to single board.
Yes it will. I was skiing a bit in childhood. Picked it up again at 47. I took beginner lesson and after half an hour the instructor told me to go on a lift and practice turns.
Snowboarding is basically falling all the time. Less broken legs than skiing though.
No, there are too many people in ski resorts already. Stay home.
I took my brand new Jeep to a 4x4 safety clinic offroading course.
H2 is quite capable offroad. Huge size is a downside though. H3 is also very capable. H1 is incredibly capable being based on HMMWV (portal axles, in board brakes, ground clearance etc) but the size makes it unusable in tight situations.
Simple. Government invents more money. Which dilutes what everyone has by a little. It is like a taxation by inflation ;-)
Fuck them. I am not going to cry because now they have to pay tax on their “market adjustments” and “undercoating fees”.