
Haha. Nope.

I take it, you didn’t buy a German car ;-)

72 months is not a reasonable term. 36 months is.

There are plenty of homes I cannot afford in my neighborhood. No need to go to Zillow for that ;-)

Why would I want to watch this garbage?

Meh, I could curb my wheels all by myself.

There are few stores. I got mine at (and for DJI Googles RE at 

Now playing

It has been done, already, here is the story

Prescription lenses for VR are around $70. They work OK but it is little more blurry off-axis.

Now this is what Musk should have copied instead of his stupid steering joke.

I am sure a piece of duct tape will fix it just fine ;-)

Well, the good news is I-80 was nice and clear of snow yesterday, no delays at all. Snow was amazing in Soda Springs. On the way out, there was one FWD minivan with bald tires stuck uphill on ice so everyone had to bypass it.

Google Maps is not a routing program for commercial vehicles. There are such specialized programs that know exactly how to route trucks and big rigs and take into account things like clearance, turn radius, etc. They also cost a real money to buy. Google is not in this business.

Well, I asked my tax guy at one time to calculate how much was my kid worth for me in tax breaks. At the time it was around $240. So, I guess I have a kid pretty much only because I love him ;-)

It needs to be sharpened to discourage kids from putting their heads and fingers there.

Porsche Macan. I know, mind boggling.

There is a lot of restrictions about what can be done with such data, especially personably identifiable information. It mostly just goes into advertising black box thingy from where ad recommendations pop out from. Sharing it with another service would be a huge endeavor

I am pretty sure that the cars you buy fill you with regret though ;-)

yes they do

Well, roads reopened now. Most ski resorts should be open. Fresh pow! Woo.