Captain Bartlet

Yes, I'll have the Feel Burger with an extra large order of cries.

Am I allowed to think that this policy is sexist and dumb, but also think that leggings are not pants?

ancient black magic

Australians don't hump...

New vocab word!!

The best way to ensure you have a snow day is to complete your homework. If you plan on having a snow day and don't do it, boom, you're going in to class. If you do it, it's nothing but sledding and hot chocolate for you.

Wait, I thought Brown people were for fun, and Princeton people were for settling?

She should be so lucky to have someone there explaining basic, basic shit to her.

They're just trying to keep a bigger slice of the inheritance pie.

The only proper way to have sex at a Renaissance fair is in a converted school bus. Trust.

Please find a cloning machine and make copies of yourself. We need more kids like you who are far more concerned with the goings-on of the world as opposed to how to take a flattering (read: sexy) selfie.

Here, here! You are one kick-ass high schooler. Can you travel back in time and be my high school friend?

Thanks for your perspective! My 10 year reunion is coming up this year, so my high school experience was ending just as social media was exploding. I didn't have a cell phone until college, and that wasn't unusual. So our world was a little different - no boob shots on Instagram.

Now playing

This is a great video about all the articles telling girls and women what they shouldn't wear. It might be a good thing to show your friend. My 15-year old niece, who, like you, feels like she has more important things to worry about that what people think of her clothes, really liked it. I do too for that matter.

Its pathetic to me that people on this website just gloss that this is a problem. Preteens should not be under pressure to dress and act sexually. How is this NOT a problem, Jezebel?

"So, you know, it's bullshit. But interesting bullshit, nonetheless."

mandy patinkin

If I get proposed to tonight, I'll have to say no. Mainly because I plan on spending the evening with my cats, and they are both underage.

It's Harry Fricking Potter!

Uh, she BEST not be naming her child Ravenia Devilsclaw, because that is MY baby name. Maleficent needs to step. off.