
Off topic: I decided a few weeks ago to pause my adblocker on the Kinja sites I visit, including Jezebel, because I know the financial situation you all are in and I genuinely want to support you. I enjoy this site, and if dealing with some ads helps keep GMG afloat, that’s fine.

Shut up Ivanka, you are a dumb bimbo

Can we have a 500 Days of “Eat Shit, Ivanka” along the lines of Gawker’s 500 Days of feckless whatshername?

Someone needs to sneak a hidden camera into some of these place. Those carefully orchestrated press tours last week don’t show what’s really going on.

Jesus H. Christ, that image/mural should scare any sane American.

Somehow that message reminds me of “Arbeit macht frei” German for “work sets you free”. They put the words above the entrance to Auschwitz.

Yes, they have. They are not attempting to disguise it as good for the children or families in any way. They know it’s barbaric, and are banking on this horror being spread by word of mouth. They are doing this to strike fear into the immigrant community.

This is hilarious and feels deeply accurate.

I feel like everyone knows an adam levine. He’s the popular guy who’s super nice to [hot] girls. And all of your beautiful friends are like “What, he’s super nice!” and you’re like “He has literally never spoken to me once.”

Damn it, Jason. I wasn’t aware of this until now. I’ve had such a soft spot for him since I was a little kid. I do hope his apology was earnest and that he’s truly aware now.

a decent apology but I’m still a little...

Total gaslighting. And it’s offensive, like she isn’t a professional actor herself, who knows what to expect on a set.

Reading the way these guys dismiss the incident in front of their co-worker who clearly DOESN’T THINK IT WAS NOTHING is very discomfiting. I get loyalty, even misplaced loyalty, but they don’t seem to have any toward Walter.

I suggest you stop trying to believe that any man ever is. It makes life a hell of a lot easier.

I KNOW. And apparently Amber has had no influence on David.

Dammit Jason, I thought you were one of the good ones

THIS. I try to see female doctors when possible and will never see a male gynecologist.

One of the more disturbing things about this is that there were female chaperones in the room with this guy. It seems that some of them reported him, but not all. And even those that did report him- after nothing changed they just shrugged and kept going along? Like, what? How did they not say something more, go to

.............this is why, though mentally I understand male gynecologists overall are professional and not utter cretins, I like to go to female doctors. And this is also why, whenever I have gone to a male doctor in my excellent HMO, they’ve ALWAYS had a female chaperone in the room during the examination.