
Chuck Grassley is a terrible person. Fucking asshole is already interrupting!

I just tried watching while on my pumping break (yayyy working motherhood) but I couldn’t get through more than 5 minutes of Grassley’s fake obsequiousness. Fuck him and all the rest of them. Good luck, Dr. Ford. We are with you. 

She’s so fucking brave, I want to vomit just thinking of how horrible this is.

That’s what I noticed too. Seemed he was smashing her against his side. 

He was visibly digging in while she kept trying to pull away. He knew.

YES. We have such a hard time accepting things that are more complicated than just Good or Bad. And we also have a hard time letting other people feel differently without taking it as an attack on our own position.

Thank you! I don’t even like Cortez much but I totally agree that the “well, actually...” followed by demonizing him when the body is barely cold is in bad taste. I know people have trouble hearing all of McCain’s good qualities lauded, but he was a mixed bag on both a personal and professional level. The fact that

Politics is bad, twitter is poison, put them together and you see the worst of people. Progressive, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, doesn’t matter people are blinded by politics and twitters anonymity brings out the worse in them. Thank you for being a sane and decent person.

Yay, I found a sane person!

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

I am so tired of people from the Dem party telling me and other candidates and anyone who’ll listen, that only white men can win. I am so fucking sick of this.

I swear if some white dudes run for the Democratic nomination for President I’m am going to be pissed. And, yes that includes fucking Bernie. There is a huge list of women of color that should run. The end. This is how the Democratic Party unfucks itself. 4-8 women of color running in the primaries. The final ticket;

that is literally his thing at this point

Can Elon just fuck off already?

McAllen is often called a “perrera” by people who’ve been through it. That’s “Doghouse,” because the people inside it feel like they’ve been caged like dogs.

I know it’s depressing but the only thing to do is to still fight. I wasn’t kidding when I posted how proud I am of the ACLU. Nearly every state ACLU is doing voter rights and registrations and you could volunteer with that to help register voters for November. You can also donate money to the ACLU who has been

I have ZERO sympathy for most farmers.

Once the summer is over and the US farmers are ruined due to Trump’s trade war, there will be big problems in the USA. From a Canadian, you’re definitely in trouble. I see US produce and products just sitting on the shelves, with Canadians refusing to buy American.

oh look who’s back from the burn unit