
I think one of the greatest silent justices I saw this weekend was the SNL skit with Matt Damon as Kavanaugh. Why? Because Dr. Blasey Ford wasn’t depicted. They left her out specifically, as if to say, “We will only make caricatures of those who chose to be in the spotlight.” I am proud of them for that, so that Ford

Just... vomit inducing. 

I know it is a f*cking terrible time to have to say this, but never, never, never give up. He can be punished for illegal things still. Never give up.

Hey Meghan McCain, why don’t you go high for a bit? Remember, these Republicans are the same people who said that your father was just going to die anyway. If you want to get your table back, try associating with the party who is 100% against keeping families in concentration camps.
So sick and tired of a group of

It’s hard to say whose apologies are genuine, and whose are not. But, to say, “I’m embarrassed, and she was sitting right there” and “This is a big learning moment for me” is, I think, a pretty decent reflective statement.
I think Sarah Silverman said it best when she asked, “Can you love someone who did bad things?”

Um, Jessica Walter is a god of comedy. That woman is the best part of that show, and any show she’s on, hands down. How about all the dumpster-men in this interview zip it, and let Jessica weigh in on THE EXPERIENCE THAT HORRIFIED HER.
The fact that Fricking Jessica Walter got her reaction mansplained back to her is


What, do Republicans think that the services performed in the ER are magically paid for by li’l baby Jesus? NO, MR. LABRADOR. They are funded by TAX DOLLARS.
Which is more expensive: dietary coaching and annual check-ups with a general practitioner, or a quadruple bypass? couldn’t come soon enough for stressed out baby-daddy, Jay Z...

I’ve never wanted to kick someone in the balls as much as I have Rep. Collins. What an asshole.

Mel Gibson is the worst, but John Mulaney and Nick Kroll’s opening speech was the greatest award show hosting I’ve ever seen.

So... When do we get to impeach him?

Definitely worth missing out on the greatest protests in American history - two thumbs way up.

So, there are lots of references to suicide prevention lines. I really hope you call. But if you were looking for more support to not harm yourself, you have it from me.

#freetherockettes !

It’s like when Percy didn’t wet the sponge in The Green Mile.

I swear to Jezebellians and all that is holy, do not get snarky about this whole “Nasty Women” shtick. Not only because I just purchased a shirt and I’d like to wear it once or twice sans eyeroll, but because it is a perfect depiction of what anti-feminists think feminists are. I want to be proud to be nasty for a


I’m no poet or musician. Will someone please write a “Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll” equivalent for women who are attacked, abused, raped, and killed, and then subsequently ignored?