
I’ve heard people say that Fox News is secretly run by invasive aliens. Some sources are saying these aliens are plotting to steal our rights, and even turn us into a totalitarian dictatorship where humans are used as food! Why isn’t the lame-stream media covering this story?! WHY WON’T FOX ADDRESS CLAIMS THAT THEY’RE

No, I get that. I highly doubt the song was written specifically regarding a woman’s indecision about a sexual experience. But I find it kind of funny that it’s about a woman who is being so difficult to understand when I happen to be the kind of woman who would be like, “No, seriously. Not interested.” and yet still

I’m sorry - is it shocking that Kylie Jenner and Tyga are among people who only think of themselves? I kinda thought that was the whole Kardashian thing.

“What do you mean?/ Is it that ‘Yes Means Yes’/ Or does ‘No Mean No”/ What do you mean?/ When am I being rape-y/ And when should I go?”


Welp, I’m personally looking forward to another 4 years of a democratic presidency.

Great. Really wanted to find out the contents of the new book through your headline. Way to be a bunch of assholes.

I am a big tipper, having been in the service industry, and I totally agree with you. Of course I wouldn’t get snippy with someone who’s trying to do their job, but it drives me crazy when someone tries to take my plate away before the table has completely finished. And I have said, “No no no... I’m uh... still

Now playing

For it to be mass murder, it has to be four or more people. So, as terrible as this is, it still isn’t mass murder.

I really appreciate this perspective on Hillary’s comments; that it “(sadly) stands out among a sea of candidates”. I wish she had said something stronger, but I am glad she said what she did. If only SOME candidate would stand up and admit that permission for guns to permeate US society has completely jumped the

British chess grandmaster Nigel Short told a chess magazine recently that men are just better at chess than women, because of their brains, because of evolution, because women have higher “emotional intelligence” while menzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. What? Sorry, no, I wasn’t sleeping, this is all so

Oh my god I cannot even. The worst worst thing ever. I can’t believe how terrible that is.

That is so sadly accurate. I want to believe desperately that I would have supported someone like Alesana, and I know I wouldn’t because I didn’t.
I remember a wonderful guy - a brilliant, brilliant man - who I saw get aggressively verbally bullied by some idiot jock-ish kid at school. All I did was ask, “Does that

I just want to say, I’m pregnant right now, and I love you. Go right ahead and abort a baby you don’t want, and don’t give any f*cks to people who say different.

Is that so? Well, pin a rose on YOUR nose.

Well, pin a rose on YOUR nose.

I am going to have a baby soon, and all I can think about is how un-cute most babies are. They are prune people.
Toddlers? Five-year-olds? Yeah sure, but in moderation please.
Kittehs? I lurves them.

I hope this continues all day.