
This is awful to learn. I was so excited that a new novel from Harper Lee was coming - I'd had no idea that she was in such circumstances. Given the fact that she is unwell, and that the person protecting her is gone, it does sound terribly suspicious. I'll wait to hear more.

Sorry, I read the first line, and this is all I saw:

Oh. I mean, I happened to know that women earned less than men, but I personally thought giving different prices for people with different genders - despite inequities in earnings - was pretty reprehensible. The kinda thing a jerk would do.
However, if you'd really like to start charging women less for everything,

Well, shit. I mean, how do you retort to a sexist bake sale?
PACK IT UP, JEZEBEL: Pointing out Border Patrol Sex pornography glorifies stereotypes and abuse is ridiculous, because some jerk sold muffins that one time.

Are you kidding? I watched the whole way through. I mean, the passion. The desire. He's holding his head in his hands, he is just so into Hillary. Who else is willing to do that? Who is willing to get on their knees for Hillary and let everyone know she's a good wife?
God bless you, Stand-With-Hillary Man; you're doing

Right?! Maybe that's the crux of it all, when it comes to trying to explain why women wait so long to accuse their attackers. Maybe the analogy for guys who don't get it is, say, you and your friend got into a fight: It started innocently enough, with just pushing around, but then it turned into a full-blown fight,

Well, and on top of that, how easy is it to blame yourself, compared to realizing that you were assaulted? It's so much easier to say, "What, rape? Nooooo! That was me being silly/putting myself in a bad situation/before I matured" etcetera. When you listen to people describing what happened to them and defining rape,

Easily the most heartbreaking story I've ever read. Those girls. Their mothers. Those terrible people who aren't just doing nothing, but adding to the pain of the victims. It's inhuman.

I get what you're saying. But, I also think she's working to confront the reality that holding the violator responsible instead of the victim is a change that won't occur overnight.
Creating a change in rape culture will take time, no matter how painfully obvious it is to the rest of us that the culture should change

I once had a roommate who swore that eating for her blood type was scientifically what was making her lose weight. At one point, I said, "Hmm, I don't know if that's true - it might just be that you're eating healthier food."
She became furious with me, and said, "Look, you don't just go around criticizing someone's

Wait, Mama June isn't an ideal maternal role model?!

"It's time for another installment of Joe Biden's Waterfront Chats."

If I could request one thing in this world, it would be an on-stage performance of Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly doing "Inherit the Wind", with Stewart playing Drummond and O'Reilly as Matthew Harrison Brady.

You are so awesome.

No, I think that's untrue, and unfair. I am a sloppy person, and my husband is EXTREMELY neat. Cleanliness is not reserved to either sex or gender.

I disagree strongly that one should just "not do housework" and "go on strike". My husband - believe it or not - is the one who is more meticulous about housework, and a clean house is for HIS happiness. So, I help, because that's what I think a good spouse should do.

Oh my god, THANK YOU.
I am so excited to try for a kid, and my friends know it. Yet, when I said, "And I'll be back to work after 12 weeks, at most," everyone was like, "Woaaaah, what? That's ridiculous."
No hate at all to the parents that do stay home, but I don't care if I am essentially paying to have a job; without

...Nnnnnnope, that's uh... that's completely the opposite of what feminists hate.
They hate people like you, who don't accept that each woman's biological nature is something that she has a right to control.
Sucks that you don't get to own every woman's lady parts, doesn't it? Sad panda.

" any woman who doesn't give birth to a live baby, whether an abortion, a miscarriages, or a still births could be considered a criminal."

Word on the street is that women have a way of shutting it all down. Curse those shut-down-the-party vaginas.