On the one hand, yes, he's a kid.
On the other... I'm reaaaaaaaaaaally tired of anonymous new-media harassment.
On the one hand, yes, he's a kid.
On the other... I'm reaaaaaaaaaaally tired of anonymous new-media harassment.
Welp, I'm calling it: now that unborn fetuses have legal rights, all ovulation not resulting in pregnancy shall be defined as premeditated murder. Get rid of those tampons, you baby machines!
Oh my lord, Pinocchio. That shit is fucked, on top of being racist as hell.
How does someone watch that part with Treasure Island and the donkeys in the salt mines and not have nightmares for the rest of their life?
I agree - that was the part that really struck me. "I want to tighten up my nose, you know, so it ages gracefully." Is regular aging not graceful? Should regular aging be "graceful", in the sense that you never actually look like you're aging?
I am surprised at myself that I'm getting older, and I am feeling more…
You seem like the kind of guy who really gets his rocks off by victim-blaming.
Same shit, different day - right, ladies?
Oh NOOO, you're right!
Oh man, that's disappointing, because I was totally going to agree with her that I thought Disney was trying too hard with Frozen to be all Grrl Power, and did actually come off a little man-bashy. "Oooh, Sven smells like reindeer! This guy who was nice is actually a jerk-face! Sisters 4evaaah!"
I wish I could get a vine video of the face of the social media manager when someone came running to their cubicle to explain the faux pas.
I can hear the pensive, synthesized keyboard music now...
Umm. I thought it was a cute idea...?
Lotsa shade on weddings for Jezebel, recently.
Listening to someone explain and teach me something in exquisite detail, but not in a holier-than-thou way. I know next to nothing about engines, but I once had a guy explain to me exactly how a V6 engine worked (without getting man-splainy) and I practically passed out.
This is the correct place to ask this question, I think:
I have a guy friend who is working on being more comfortable around women. He doesn't want to be a cat-caller kind of guy - he wants to be a confident man who can walk up to women and say hello. While I'm proud of him for not being shy and actually approaching…
Holy shit, that guy clapping. That is horrifying. And those women were laughing? That is terrible. I hate them all.
This neg circle just got so meta.
That has ALWAYS angered me about those Sarah MacLachlan - no animal is worth more than a human life, and I'm disgusted by people who are more outraged by cruelty to animals than cruelty to humans.
Well, thank goodness we've protected their right to get as close to their victims (read: WOMEN GOING TO HEALTH CLINICS) as possible.
If you'd like to be accurately insulting, "the author is writing like a person who doesn't understand baseball."
This is by far my most favorite article ever, of all time, because of you and this thread.
Do parents not get that when you put it in a text book, it's immediately NBD? When you make a scene about how it shouldn't be in a text book, it's just become a BFD.