
I'm so glad this was the comment directly after the article.

We can debate the whole "ignore him" or "call him out" position - both have their merits. But, I am toootally on your side about him being a troll. I hate Maher - what a prick.
That Religulous movie was an opportunity to discuss discrepancies in religion. Instead, it was Bill prancing around shaming people, and

Yessssss. I love her. And running is boring. I'd do this obstacle stuff, any day.
...Not as well as Kacy, of course. But, you know. I'd still rock it.

If you want to get into the negative position of saying, "talking about it won't do much", then there really isn't any reason for pointing out any problem. "No gun law will stop all deadly attacks with a weapon." "No UN Human Rights Law will protect all people from injustice." "No supermarket produce regulator will

Sooo, don't point out that they're terrible?
The most popular channels run by women aren't accepted at VidCons, because they're about looks, and all of the other so-called "important" women's channels are plagued with these fuckfaces you mention.
I don't get why you'd just straight up back down from something that

So, then, you're either buying eggs from places that don't refrigerate them, or you're storing them in a place in the refrigerator that's not as cool as you think it is. Like the door.

That moment where even Elisabeth can't hold on to the game any more:

Sounds like a response from someone who doesn't refrigerate eggs.

"Can't think of any normal situation where anyone would need an egg to last longer."
Well, for all of us who don't chug an egg or three for breakfast every morning, a dozen eggs may need to last longer. Some of us Americans like to use our food, rather than throw it away unnecessarily.
"Your government kowtowed to the

Oh, and while we're at it, there is no health difference whatsoever between a brown egg and a white egg. So stop paying more for different colored eggs.

We are not the crazy ones. Keeping eggs in the refrigerator helps them last longer, washed or not. That's why you don't need dates stamped on eggs, in the US - refrigerated eggs can last for so long, you almost never see a bad or C-grade egg.
How do I know?
I'm a UCDavis Aggie. Thanks, Animal Science 1!

I had a roommate who was by no means my worst roommate, and for my birthday she decided to make me a cake, which was awesome. But, she wanted to share the cake with our neighbors before she actually gave it to me, so what she gave me was a cake... with a giant piece cut out of it.

That was exactly my thought. And really, at this point, I don't give a crap about her "historical background". Historical background for most characters (especially comics that originated in 1939) are, I'm sorry to say, pretty restrictive in gender roles. Guys get the action, girls are cute&spunky sidekicks/damsels in

Someone should forward your article to HamNo at Gawker, regarding his comments on selling all of Detroit's art.

I would like an all-Taylor clothing line, please. Target, I'm talking to you.

Right on. It's everyone's right to make their own choices, free of judgement or discrimination or bias. Our rights are your rights, buddy, and vice-versa.
I'd fist-bump you, if I had the opportunity.

First off, it's a coffer. Not a coffin. A coffin is for dead bodies.

The money is reduced but this is the best set up. The kid has been sick a few times and I haven't taken a day off work because I don't need to. It's our choice.

Lol, right? I knew it, going in. Add that to the list :/

You know, I'm just tired of this. I'm tired of being told I can't protect myself from an unwanted pregnancy. I'm tired of being told I can't have sex that doesn't result in a baby. I'm tired of being told that when I'm pregnant I'm a liability. I'm tired of being told that when I'm having a baby, I won't necessarily