
Um, it's not because cupcakes are dumb. It's because Crumbs cupcakes are gross.

Admittedly, I am stealing this story from a friend.

Dr. Helen Smith notes that while "We've seen women with increased reproductive freedom, married men often require a note from their wives before a doctor will even perform a vasectomy."

Dammit! You were here first...

Redacted! Was gonna post something... and then someone else had it :D

Fuck yes!
You can be my wingman, anytime.

While I have some back and forth thoughts on the case, you get a star for that gif.

Well, I hope that there is an opportunity there for you! And I'm not sure why she would be so hesitant - the process can be painful, but for most women, it is not; it's on par with heavy cramps. My mother happens to be a gynecologist (she isn't mine, but I am pretty certain she's a good one) and has helped a number of

1) Louisiana is awesome. Just visited NOLA for the first time - you guys are wonderful. Also... I realize there is more to Louisiana than NOLA... Sorry I haven't seen more of your state than that...

It is definitely intimidating to think about shoving something into your uterus and leaving it there. But I promise, it's very safe, and while you may experience pain the first hour or so, it's unlikely for it to continue. My friends and I all took the max dosage of ibuprofin (about 800mg) 30 minutes before getting

I say get it. I had it for 2 years, and just had it taken out because I knew I wanted kids. It's super easy to put in, and super easy to take out - I don't know why your gyno would say otherwise...

Love love LOVE mine. And I've had nuvaring before as well. Mirena is perfect - I barely noticed it.

Um, what? Since when are they not popular? I love mine.

Omg. That's so awful, I just threw up a little in my mouth.

If you are Jessica Williams, you should know you're fucking amazing.
Just sayin'.

You are totally right and that is awful.

Agreed. It's heartbreaking. There will be so many species that likely to go extinct due to the environmental change - polar bears are currently the most obvious, because we're watching the ice disappear.
We can start the trend towards better environmental protection in our lifetime, but I'm afraid we won't be here long

You have a solid point, and I'm not being sarcastic. I dunno, I envision this thumbs up as more of an, "You march on, dude. We're in the trenches together, fighting for justice! Fight, fight on!"
If it was closer to, "Heeeeeeeey there" or "HAHAHAH NICE WORK, CHUBBY" then yeah, I'd be mortified, and possibly stabby.

Does the fact that it does bother you invalidate others' feeling on the subject?
I don't disagree with how you feel regarding the above comment. I'm not looking for a fight, honestly, I just think that there is a lot of frustration lingering from the article and what we all really want is to yell at the complete