
The front end looks like an evolution of the Michael Keaton Batmobile, maybe Gen 4.

Yeah, what is the difference between plain clothes cops rushing you carrying guns and body armor, and a carjacking/gang murder?

Golf carts.

I guess whatever works for you, but seems entirely unnecessary to me to have 2 accounts when you only need one. But that is essentially combining and sharing all expenses rather than what other people do where one each spouse has “their money”. Like by dumb sister. She agrees with her spouse to pay half the living

Hyundai’s marketing department could just say:

Driving on the road with other people.

If only they hadn’t taken Mercedes “hunched butt” look and made it visually worse. It also looks bent in the middle, and it’s weird to my eyes. 

This country is literally built upon poor non-white immigrant labor that’s still doing all the “undesirable” physical labor jobs to keep prices low because white people don’t want to do back breaking for basically pennies.

He *use to* work in theater gigs, hasn’t owned a car in years, and now has a commute in Maryland.  He needs a car, and $25K is about as practical a price point you can get for someone with a full-time software job -- he didn’t say that he wants to work on his car on the weekends, so a $10K car is not an option.

yeah I’m done.  The only thing keeping these sites going were the comments.  There are better websites out there with better writing.  They don’t have the vibrant comment community but they do have better writing.  I’ve been an AV Club head for 20 years now.  Too bad.

America is basically the racist old man in the nursing home, accusing the Jamaican nurses who clean his ass everyday of stealing his jello. 

Part of the toxicity of the MAGA crowd is the default assumption that anyone with a non-European surname must have questionable legal status, where there’s no evidence that any of the people in question have any less right to live and work in America than Melania and her parents.

I hope the readers here take note of the surnames and ancestry of the road workers who lost their lives here. Almost a year ago to the day (March 23, 2023) 6 workers were killed on another part of the 695 beltway when a car crashed through a work zone, and most of those workers were also from central America,

“star” gets more clicks

I very much hope that I will be here in 30 years, otherwise this whole “retirement planning” thing has been for nothing. Haha. 

Now playing

Bruce Willis in The Last Boy Scout “Touch me again and I’ll kill you” should be on the list.

But I mean why not both? I guess for aerodynamic purposes, but from a design perspective, that just makes the things goofy looking. End users don’t know what they want, they think they know what they want. here let me sit higher so the fall back down will also be higher =)

my favorite is The Jerk; menacing and funny!

From the door mirror back it looks like a 911.

Right there with you. Watched this move repeatedly in my younger years. Only thing I knew Richard Lewis from until Curb came along.