
This list should really have before and afters. And just think... twice as many slides for more reader engagement clicks!

Remarkable. I did the exact same thing. I even went back and read the headline and caption twice to see if it said “Florida”. But nope, it’s subliminal now or like listening to records played backward for hidden messages. The mind just knows a Florida event when it sees one.

Easily the best part of Helix, too.

I actually had no idea what the ctl F4 shortcut did, so I tried it out. Anyway, now that I’ve navigated my way back and reopened all my tabs, here’s an upvote.

The ship in question is the SS Arlington, which was a World War Two carrier...”

At least you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that they're outliers. Cuban boomers overwhelmingly support Trump. Dude comes to town and they come out with the pots and pans as if Fidel died all over again.

Oh I get that it’s effectively the same—I just happen to feel personally affronted and ashamed when I see a fellow Cuban-American millennial pull this shit. When I found out Enrique Tarrio is Afro-Cuban, I about died inside. I was so embarrassed I thought “is this what it would feel like to shit my pants in front of a

Had to hold my breath while I looked her up. I saw the Hispanic name and that she’s a Florida congresswoman, and I immediately braced myself for the overwhelming shame of discovering yet another Cuban-American who got into politics to carry water for white supremacists and Christian nationalists. Fortunately for me,

To be fair, that cable has at least another foot of stretch before it’s maxed out, and he could back up another foot to boot. 

Yeah, the problem is the stores tried to use self check as an excuse to get rid of all but one or two checkers, when ideally, you need a mix of the two. Se3lf check is also awful for coupons, food assinstance, or anything else that complicates the transactions.

Dear God, no. It’s already bad enough that I sometimes have to go to Walmart (small town, so some stuff isn’t anywhere else and sometimes it’s late), but being able to check myself out and not waste time in line is the only saving grace. Being able to look up stuff on the app and get a pretty precise pin for it’s

It is like the house hunter shows “He is a stay at home botanist, and she imports exotic miniature horse dolls, they have a budget of 900,000 and are looking for a lake house that isn’t too lake house-y”

Basically, imagine if Frank Pembleton got promoted to Captain eventually, and also he’s fucking hilarious.

hoping for a longer sentence for this person. The Root did a similar article, I liked this one more, it has some more information.

Nobody bothers to ask the rest of us if we want all these ‘good guys’ running around with their boom sticks ‘protecting’ us. Keep your toys at home. I don’t trust your judgement and bullets are notoriously hard to take back if you make an ‘oopsies’.

You can have your opinion, and I respect that. But it’s wrong.

The LFA really is a rare street specimen. I’ve seen all manner of Lambos, Ferraris, I’ve seen P1’s and McLaren Senna’s. I’ve seen the De Tomaso P72, Koenigseggs and Paganis. I’ve only ever seen 1 LFA on the streets, a pearl white one, years ago.

I remain convinced that everyone is using voice to text, not typing. That would explain how so many weird-but-not-typo words show up in these posts.