
If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

Also, a lot of those crosswalks are across roads that are 3 or more lanes wide and sometimes it takes a second before the brain makes the connection between the car next to you (who is also blocking the few of somebody at the crosswalk) slowing down rapidly and the usually half-faded crosswalk in front of you.

We should absolutely be fining loud babies. Lots of people enjoy the sound of a Lambo, no one is saying “oh cool a screaming baby” 

That’s true but the market of people who have the ability to charge whenever they want is huge and has more money to throw around. There is obviously a need for a diversity of vehicles, but completely ignoring the market for a commuter EV.

2025 C8 Z06 (build date will be sometime after September 9th).

No two-seater convertible is capable of having good acoustics. “Not shit” is the best you can realistically do. So sound quality is up there with towing capacity on the list of pointless two-seater metrics.

She’s the reason we no longer have Packard or Rambler. She killed Gommora and Black Widow. It’s because of HER that you have to pay extra to get a combo burrito at Taco Bell. My dog use to be happy until she saw Kamala call Donald Trump a poppy butt and now she won’t eat. She makes to sun go away every day at 7pm. I

I’m a single car household so I still need one vehicle that can do absolutely everything, and part of that everything is multiple 450 mile drives a month across states with lousy infrastructure in general and lousy charging.

To be fair, that’s my reason for ANY new car. 🤣

The tourists coming from Cruise are not the tourists you want. They dont stay at hotels, dont stay overnight for dinner and if you have been in Santorini, you will know they are shuttled in buses to the upper part of the island. These are not good for the locals. You want tourists that stay overnight and these are not

I want my mother to live closer in a smaller house somewhere walkable, but she’ll die in that house in the middle of nowhere rather than give it up. Shes scared of the city, obsessed with being able to buy a 50 year old hutch i will end up needing to move out with the others when she passes, and has that mindset that

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

And they would've gotten away with it if their friend was not an ego tripping blabbermouth too.

Yeah, his buddies did do it. But there is no way they are gonna admit it and risk their pensions over admitting it.

It happens everywhere. People get jobs because of family all the time. Most of those insufferable “business” books stress building a network and they always stress that your first network is always your family.

The Santa Cruz is one of those vehicles I’d answer for a QOTD prompt about a car that you irrationally kind of like. Like, I can’t foresee a circumstance where I’d ever own one, but I also kind of like something about the way they look. I had similar feelings when the Kona debuted. Just funky enough in the right ways.

This is true - once the vehicle is written off and the claim paid, it becomes a total loss and even if recovered later with no damage, the total loss status remains.

You know so little about how large vessels work that you have no idea that there are things you don’t know. 

Just one modification needed—take a pause every once in awhile, smile, and enjoy the process! This car looks fantastic!

I think Final Destination did a good job imprinting that fear into an entire generation.