
The Insurance Commissioner can “grow a pair” - and then the insurance companies can just decide that they aren’t going to bother doing business in CA at all. See FL homeowner’s insurance crisis.

Did I miss “Casino” somewhere?

And in turn the son of a man who you can make a strongest argument was the greatest Hey, It’s That Guy! of all It’s That Guys ever to walk the earth. W. Morgan Sheppard is as far as I know the only person who can claim named speaking credits on Doctor Who, Star Trek, SeaQuest, Max Headroom and Babylon 5.

Why can’t they just give us a documentary-style World War Z that’s faithful to the original book?

This require new cars to by hybrid not just straight EV, for a vey large portion of the public a pure EV just won’t work.  Like I am a poster child for an EV I drive very little so range isn’t a big deal nor do I need a huge vehicle.  But an EV just will not work for me at all.  I have no way to charge at home, even

A lot of truck for a small boat.

We just dropped them after they jacked up my car insurance to over $1000 bianually in spite of my car being 6 years old and having nothing on my record besides a deer strike. SF can go f themselves.

My boat/trailer weighs 10x what yours does, so not really that helpful for me.

Did they fix it being butt-fugly?

College students don’t need dating apps - they live around and interact with their dating partners every day. They’re for working folks.

Every picture and video of that douche.

Dude really has bad luck in LA traffic. Better than the bus, I suppose. 

Buffy was a very good show. it set the tone for tv for the next 10 years. also Joss Whedon is a huge asshat. both can be correct at the same time.

I’m referring to when they found out who he was and stopped short of any real effort to get in contact with the family. 

I’m sure the death was a genuine accident, but it’s possible there was retaliation in what came after.  It’s also possible they really seriously don’t give a damn.  :-(

I’d take one at 70-80. Not 160 which is insane and kind of hilarious.

Give it a try, especially an ebike because cycling (unlike walking) is fast enough that you create your own breeze so it feels cooler (and is 5 times more efficient than walking). Seriously don't knock it until you try it (and I don't mean a crap bike with a shit drivetrain that weighs a tone). 

How dare you say that about Sir Richard Harris. Gambon was loud, and feverish, and pacing in his first two rather than thoughtful and unbothered.....he was not as you say “locked in”

My personal favourite is to tape a crayon to a page from a coloring book and leave it with a note “maybe this will help you to stay in the lines”.

House Republicans blamed depleted social security funds on abortion reducing the “supply” (vomit) of future workers.”