
When considering a gift for a woman, if you want to be sure she’s happy with it, check each box:

But how can you expect someone to raise 3 kids on ONLY $20 000 per month?!  That’s enough for like, one banana.

Haysbert would have been a good choice.  Break out the Pedro Cerrano glare and he’s all set.

Tuberville and his boys’ party also want women out of the military.

The curb stomp scene from American History X disturbed me for days.

It’s unexciting if you’re more interested in SW as entertainment than as a brand.”

Yep. I have crippling adhd and I need dead silence to drive. No radio, no conversation.

“I’ll tell you, any group that requires you to believe every detail of what they believe in order to be loved without condemnation… please run the other way. Just run.”

30+ cars all in the same lake seems more like insurance fraud to me.  

I would say yes. Based on the number of Prius cabs that I see with over 200k miles on them.


I probably should talk to the Kinsey people because I write, catch and throw right handed and masturbate with my left hand. Of course I also use utensils and hold a cup with my left hand so I may actually be ambidextrous. But I can't write left-handed or jerk off right-handed so I don't know what that's called. I can

WTF?  I switched to my non-dominant hand decades ago and haven’t looked back. 

I’m left-handed and jaying up is one of the two things I choose to use my right hand for (the other is scissors).

I was a baseball fan throughout my childhood until I graduated high school and I never knew the winning team of the World Series got a cash prize from the MLB. Crazy.

Anyone who ever says “Just move!” has never moved out of the place they were born in because they were privileged enough to be born somewhere unoppressive...or they’re privileged enough to be able to up stakes at the drop of a hat.

The new Mustang Mach-E.

Let’s say Brundle cornered the noted racing and privacy enthusiast Dave Letterman- does he have to answer questions just because he’s on the grid?

No, I agree that the people let go here stayed almost entirely on topic. I was referencing something that really goes back to when Trump was elected and was epidemic across most forms of entertainment. I don’t think there’s a way to ignore how broader society and sports are intertwined, nor should we, but the balance

I would rather be tied to a chair and forced to watch Jack Reacher a dozen times than watch Jerry Maguire again.