
Since I’m not getting any of the furniture anyway, my only complaint is the countertops (not a marble fan), but since it doesn’t seem too gaudy I could live with it for a while. But I have always preferred white paint (maybe an accent wall) and I like the color of the cabinets and floors, which is what I’m really

I hate “warm” yellow-ish lighting and put “sunlight” lighting LEDs anywhere I can.

Does 100 miles from international waters county as well?

I would have said enclosed golf cart, but point stands.

Here in Miami a woman accidentally sent her car off a local ferry in the Port of Miami inlet. When divers finally reached the car, her and her passenger were found in the backseat holding each other, I’m sure scared out of their minds, trying to find the last little pocket of air, but probably knowing it was a futile

As the son and grandson of woodworker hobbyists, my god is this accurate.

State Farm screwing over my parents after Hurricane Andrew in 1992 (they dropped all homeowners but would happily keep auto or anything else). On principal my parents never used them again, even if it might have saved a few bucks on car insurance, etc. That mindset passed on to me and I have never even considered them

All I see is batmobile and was trying to see if anyone else said it before I posted.

Agreed. You would think cops do not want the regular population armed for this exact reason. If we find the victim was armed, but was legally carrying, and of course we will never know for sure what they were thinking now, but seems reasonable to think hey I’m about to get jumped, let me defend myself and “stand my

I cant watch the video at work, but unmarked car and police in street clothes (which is what it sounds like these cops were from the article) cannot expect to be treated like cops when they run up on people.

If he had the capability to sell shares directly to individuals he absolutely would (maybe he shouldn’t have gone public). It would definitely command a premium to by one of “his shares” and he could just keep selling at whatever price he wants without worrying about the market tanking.

My parents have been married 44 years. They each have separate checking accounts - I don’t think any are joint. They can each use the other’s credit cards as needed, but it was always my dad paid mortgage and other similar bills, mom did groceries, dining out, and kid expenses. Their salaries weren’t even that

God I wish they started something like this so there would be one more strike against the “they took our jobs” crowd. I dont see them asking to work the farms in Florida and now many of those farms cant find labor at the wages they “need” to pay to be profitable (that says something else about their business model)

The Hyundai dealership in Doral was like that, at least a couple years ago when I was looking at Palisades when they first came out. Don’t know if they ever made a permanent structure for them.

Fair, I should have been clear that I am not assuming they are not legal residents, just that I think right wingers will make that assumption and those statements, whether they are or are not legal residents (even if it is actually proven they are legally here).

Exactly. Without comments what is the point? Now all I will have is the Defector comments.

I’m amazed at how well that works

The “they took our jobs” crowd will say it should have been legal US residents doing the work, but I dont see a whole lot of them wanting these god awful jobs. We run on immigrants being willing to do the jobs the rest of us dont want, and for the good or bad, being willing to do it for less pay than we would be

Yeah, it felt a little strong to call him a “Yellowstone star”. His list of credits has a lot of “Additional cast” entries.

Assuming the person who selected the Hyundai was selecting a vehicle that met that basic shape and function because that is what they wanted, what would you have picked with three rows and all the bells and whistles you get with Hyundai (including warranty) instead of the Palisade? The dollar amount is function