
I don’t know how old you are but you might not be here in 30 years anyway so enjoy it now.

I mean if I’m getting paid to listen to an audiobook or podcast for that time, sign me up. Especially if it is not commute to the office, commute home from the office time - so I can start my day at a reasonable time and 3 out of my 8-9 hours is spent not actually working, sounds great.

I feel like most people want higher ride height, not so much actual ground clearance for off-roading.

I feel it most in my hands. As soon as I even enter the garage suddenly my hands feel like blood is back circulating.

As a Florida driver you are mostly right, but as someone who works practically in an ice box in my office, I have been known to turn on my heated seats when I get to my car to warm up quickly.

I’m on your side. I don’t care if the car is set to 70, once it hits 70 the air stops moving and I get stuffy. I want air moving at all times. And since I live in Florida and sit in a fair amount of traffic everyday, windows down isn’t an option. I can usually set it to the lowest fan setting (with a/c on, not just

Someone who needs an excuse for why alcohol was in their system that definitely isnt “I was drinking before the accident”

Havent started it yet, is it the wrong profanity or that they are even using profanity that is out of place?

Another show I wish they had finished/resolved.

Normally I would agree, but I feel like the one person RBR cant piss off is Ford.

Yeah, I assumed they want full control of the story so making sure no one is around to see it or take unofficial pictures makes sense.

Android user here and no service since I woke up at about 5 this morning.

I was telling a friend the same thing. He has more than enough money so he is leaving to find a ride that gives him a chance (because you know Merc would have backed up a truck and matched any financial offer Ferrari made), otherwise just retire and enjoy your wealth.

I don’t know. They claim to not want communism after what happened in Cuba, but they’re still perfectly happy with a dictator which is what he would be. I avoid certain restaurants by my house that serve amazing Cuban food because they have allowed themselves to essentially become a MAGA meeting house, week people

I’ll preface this with I agree it is probably fraud, but if the crash was 5 miles from the house, it is entirely possible the car was stolen and crashed before the owner even knew it was gone, so in and of itself the owner not reporting it until after the crash is not strong evidence of fraud.

The thing I’ve noticed most all winter is the amount of rain. I’m dealing with a crack in a sidewall of my house then when it rains heavily causes a leak inside (I have had the drywall off that section for six months so I can control the moisture as it gets in while we figure out how to fix/pay for fixing it). I had

I guess I live a little further south, lowest I’m seeing for me in the next ten days is 70 during the day and 53 at night on Saturday.

like Bentley who Dezer is currently developing a 62-floor tower for in Miami

Is “hometown” always synonymous with small town? Because as someone who grew up in a big city, there was always plenty to do when I went home during college (I moved back to home city after college so nothing to go back to any more).

My wife is from DR and celebrates Three Kings Day which is January 6, so Xmas decorations stay up until at least then.