
In reality it is going to be relatively easy to enforce since it will be some woman’s neighbor or (someone she thought was a) friend who sues her civilly for traveling to NM or CO for an abortion, and all the plaintiff has to do is prove the pregnant woman drove through Amarillo on the way to get an abortion.

Missed the period at first and thought you were doing the curtsy literally at her “fuckin twat.”

and we can comment on it

Now playing

If you are going to play More Than a Feeling, then this is the definitive video for it

Never watched Brooklyn 99, but Frank Pembleton was one of my favorite characters on TV growing up.

We were born here and all of our family is here, and that can be hard to walk away from.

Every online survey/review I have ever completed says 1 bad, 10 good, 5 average.

The cop saying she should have called the police just screams ignorance. How many innocent bystanders of color get shot in that situation. How many times do we hear the person who called is the one who gets harassed or shot. Hopefully there is some law that allows her to protect her child by any means if the child is

If she is having to turn down $8-$10 million for another movie/show because she has to do this one for less than $1,000,000, I am asking them to match the other offers or it makes no sense to stay. They can so no its not in our budget, which is fine (and seems like what they did). But that isn’t bratty.

First thing I noticed. When the author mentioned he likes seeing it towing something, that picture did nothing for me. If I’m buying this truck I want to see it towing some 40ft+ boat that barely belongs on a trailer in the first place.

I was curious where you would rank Kingdom of Heaven and A Good Year, two movies I only ever hear bad things about, but which I love and will watch whenever I see them on (though A Good Year doesn’t get much airplay and requires actively searching it out to watch it).

Is this what a local promoter typically does for other races? I kept hearing that this race didn’t have one and F1 was handling everything themselves.

Normally I agree with you (and I am someone who still lives in Miami and and getting reamed on my homeowners insurance), except this was in 1993 when Andrew (August of 1992) was the first devastating storm to hit the Florida in YEARS, but one catastrophic hit and they said “fuck it, we’re out”.

No, 40 yrs and still going strong (or they put up a really good front).

When they dropped my parents’ homeowners insurance after Hurricane Andrew (and our house wasn’t even that bad, but plenty in the neighborhood were), but were more than happy to keep their auto, my parents said fuck off and never went back. A cousin we saw every year at a family reunion was married to an exec with them

Dad, is that you? Holy shit that checklist looks like my childhood most weekends watching my dad put in at the ramp.

My wife and I met through Bumble, but we definitely fit your initial definition of professionals who didnt have time to join clubs, play sports, etc. to find like-minded individuals.

Did she say terrorist in the official motion, or just her tweet?

How do arbitrarily pick an age to start requiring they be listed - insured or excluded? What is the difference between 16, 14, 12, 10, etc?

That headline absolutely read like the cops hit someone and buried him in the middle of nowhere so it wouldn’t be found out. Not like they buried him as unclaimed when they conveniently forgot to tell him mother they found him.