
I havent seen one float away, but I have seen water pouring out of the cabin because they backed up far enough for water to get in through the doors.

does not quite mean you can do all the things you need to do with a boat. Like dock it, launch it, retrieve it, and operate it safely.

Exactly, in a power boat there is a time and place for life vests, but wearing one at all times is not necessary. If I go water skiiing or jet skiing, absolutely. If we’re going through really rough seas or bad weather, definitely. The rest of the time, I know where they are and how to put them on, and whenever someone

I understand the thought behind treating every incident on a case by case basis, but if everything else was the same but this was her nephew that found the gun and shot his teacher, would you still want her to get probation, or is it simply so she can be around for her child? There a lot of people who would have an

But he has now stated publicly that he never names the person in the book, so the only reason to buy it for this story is to hear more details of what happened. The tease of maybe finding out who it was is gone. Now it is just to let everyone know the types of things that happen, including from the most well known peop

I feel like pickups are asking for kids to be stupid and pile in the bed.

To be fair, I dont miss it at all and disagreed with the premise of this article that it was a timeless design. Thought it was unattractive then and still think so now. But I agree with your complaint that they cant have it both ways.

1996-ish Ford Escort wagon. I was one of those people who wasnt thrilled about learning to drive, but my grandfather said I had to and pretty much forced me to learn in his car - partly because he knew it was important and partly because he wanted chauffeur going forward which is what I became. MY first car a 1994

I think this is an important distinction that people tend to forget: How do you define majority - geographic area or number of people?

Genuine question:

That’s fair. I just went last month for the first time as an adult. I had been in high school to do the trip you described - a day in Vegas on the front end, then national parks for a week, then a day in Vegas on the back end before flying home. This time I did 4 days just in Vegas (one on-the-strip hotel, one not).

Do you regret staying on the strip, or you got it out of your system and you dont need to again?

I want to go to one race for the experience, but I find it hard to believe it is as enjoyable as being able to watch the whole race, all over the track, like watching it on TV (I’ve been to other races, just not F1). Miami is obviously the best option as that’s where I live, but I would love to see some of the

Growing up in Miami I’ve had Ironbeer since I was a kid, but I agree with the Cuban chef in that it doesnt seem to be everyone’s favorite. I personally hate Materva and Jupina, but she is right in that they are chosen much more often.

Your first paragraph really is it. There are so many men out there that would be infinitely more happy just being single, hanging out with their friends, doing what they want, no kids, no responsibilities, and leaving women the fuck alone. If you want to try to get laid, go ahead. If it doesn’t work, that’s what

I mean I’d probably give them to the end of the school year at least (maybe that is end of April in Spain).

The goal is to bring in people who dont want to own a car and are willing to move somewhere that is close to everything they need so they wont need one. NY has raised generations of people who never own a car until they move out of the city. We can do this. I loved living in an area where I could walk to all my social

Anything that helps her get off before me is welcome. I am trying my damnedest to get her there and all assistance is welcome.

Love Marvel movies. Looking forward to the next one.

I guess I’m the sucker dealers are looking for because the $25 difference in my monthly payment wasn’t enough to deal with going through the loan process at my bank followed by arguing with the dealership about why I’m not using their financing option, or going through the loan process again at the dealership if it