
That’s not no different then calling ahead for a to-go order though. Whether I send someone else to pick up my to-go order (and pay them to do it) or I go myself, you still have to wait while an order is made for someone not physically in the restaurant.

How much are people typically financing that 2%-3% difference in interest rates makes that much of a difference?

Are there people cross-shopping a BMW X6 and an Atlas Cross Sport? Those seem like completely different segments of the buying public. The Audi SQ5 is a little closer price wise, but still $20,000+ more for base models.

I got a 94 Toyota Celica when I turned 17* (which was in 2000). My dad had a Celica when he was younger and even though I had a budget for buying a car, my dad was willing to help a little more since it was a recapture his youth moment. He had to test drive it and drive it home since it was stick and I had no idea how

I never knew Masekela’s full first name, back when I used to watch X games it was just Sal. When did he start using his full name?

As someone else mentioned - if people are just seeing the Kia or Hyundai logo and breaking the window and then realizing they cant steal it, that doesnt help the owner. They are still filing a claim for the damage from the break in that was caused strictly because it was Kia/Hyundai, whether or not it was push button.

I think this also discounts people who date outside their culture. My wife is Dominican and lived there until she finished undergrad. While she is only 2 years younger than me, our developmental years were completely different. Her memories of music, movies, literature are mostly Latin focused, and while there is

I was thinking same thing as an attorney in South Florida (though I know I’m underpaid).

While yes it sucks that they are limiting it to states where it is already legal, I do think the ability to cross state lines into a state where it is legal to find a CVS or Walgreens will be easier than trying to find a planned parenthood or other clinic that provides those services (though not as easy as getting it i

I never thought about it that way, but you’re right. His perspective as someone not born here definitely provides a different viewpoint that makes his commentary more interesting.

This should be fixed since this is a feature they offered, but in theory if we turn off the thumbnails in the notifications, then the issue is resolved correct? I have them turned on, but I am fine with turning it off for now and I can just click on the notification to see who is there if I need to.

Killing her was something awful that most men (probably) wouldnt do, but the sentiment that his ego couldn’t it that he lost to woman is absolutely something many, and I think it is most, men do feel and it’s something that needs to be worked on. That I think is the main point of this. All men need to stop with

eh, HotD reminded me how much I enjoyed the world building so I started listening to the GoT audiobooks a few weeks ago (this is a second “reading” of the GoT books)

The author didn’t put this on black men, he put it on men in general. This asshole happened to be a black man, but the author does not say that has anything to do with what happened.

Why step? Aemond is the son of Viserys and Luke is the grandson of Viserys. I guess maybe you could say half-uncle since Aemond and Rhaenyra have different mothers and are therefore half-siblings, but not step siblings. I still think that makes Aemmond just a regular uncle though.

I don’t think the full disclosure was necessary (except you being British), I think it came across clearly in the post.

But why was it “inappropriate”? Your whole argument is based on that basic assumption. I don’t think a topless photo is inappropriate therefore there is no reason to scold.

How old are you? I dont know where I put it, but it’s high on my list, but it also came out when I was in high school and I feel like that cements it as meaning more to me than some of the others.

This is a constant issue for me with Cubans in Miami (of which I am one). The majority seem to believe that since they are the majority here in Miami, they can look down on anyone they want, but they don’t seem to realize that anywhere outside of Miami they are just another minority. The hypocrisy in thinking they are

overact” should be “overt act”