
My Syrian grandmother would kill for me to feel the way you do about kibbeh. I just do not like it.

I have the CSR and just got Ink preferred for the 80K sign up bonus. I will wait the year and drop down to one of the free ink cards. then I will probably sign up for a Freedom card for my non-dining/travel purchases. Though to be fair when I look at my breakdown in the Chase app dining/travel accounts for 70% of my

I have the CSR and just got Ink preferred for the 80K sign up bonus. I will wait the year and drop down to one of

Tulane alum (among other schools) and I hate those uniforms. Stick to green and white and the angry wave logo.

Not a gamer by any stretch, but Aladdin on SNES was the only game I ever tried speedrunning. I dont even think I was even conscious of it at the time, I just enjoyed trying to win without losing a life, then it became how fast I could I do it without losing a life.

I literally wont watch anything else on ESPN+. I barely watch ESPN as it is, just LeBatard (either radio show or HQ) when I can catch it, and the occasional NBA or college football game.

Mine serves as my way to watch tv while tailgating provided I have at least one other person to use as the hotspot. Huge improvement over trying to bring a satellite dish on a portable tripod.

I just want espn+ for always late with Katie Nolan. Not worth paying for it separately, but I will happily tack it on to the D+ bundle.

If Rosenbaum counts, then he is number 1 for me.

Current Center Grove resident

To Andy:

As soon as I saw her picture I had to look up her name. I never knew the actress’ name on Lost Girl, but she looked familiar in the picture here.

re battery: it is difficult. It holds up fine on standby, but using the screen gets me only a few hours of use. Less if I’m doing processor intensive things. I will see if I can hold out for black friday, but I’m not sure I can make it.

I am probably going to overpay (ie not wait for sales) for the Pixel 4 XL because I’m about done with my OG Pixel XL. I have kept it longer than I have ever kept a phone before, but 3 years is about my max.

I have A-List and try to see as many movies in their Dolby screen as possible. Those are $16 tickets for me, so it only take 2 a month. I convinced my girlfriend to do it once we got past the introductory part of dating because I was paying for her to see 2-3 movies a month, when she could pay $21/month and its

At that point just pull into the driveway so the owner can get out. If they can get out they may not care if it is for a reasonable amount of time. This guarantees to piss someone off.

I appreciate the amount of citations you provide in your clapbacks. Do you research them every week, or have you had to make some of these arguments enough times that you have the authorities bookmarked?

I love movies - I have never watched any of the movies you had to watch in that class. Then again I enjoy movies for the escape, not the art. The oldest movie I have seen and actually enjoyed is probably High Noon.

I like the idea of just moving the minimum balance necessary to meet the requirements for the new account and letting it sit there like it was just sitting in my regular savings/checking already.

I will die on the hill that Cheddar Bay biscuits are average, and Popeye’s biscuits are one of the top foods ever created.

I actually like the personalized new stories on the Google Now/Google Assistant page. But I get there by hitting google search and hitting the G in the search bar again on my Pixel, so I guess this change wouldn’t actually affect me.