
Why do you think she is going to have a large role in the movie? All I see is them showing who inherited the 007 designation while Bond was retired. He will come back, maybe get 007 back, maybe not, save the world, and go back to retirement. Maybe she will be his partner in this as a backdoor pilot for her own movies,

Does Tyler even realize what he said when when he said the colonies didn’t want racial equality?

As a Floridian, can’t go wrong with Publix fried chicken (though I’m partial to their tenders)

Lawyer in Miami here. My boss wears a jacket and tie every day. When I started with him 8 years ago I wore a tie everyday, but I wore him down so I can get away with no tie unless meeting clients. Jacket is for meeting clients outside the office. When he is not here I wear any pants that are not denim, and untucked

My crumbs are either sugar from donuts, a loose fry that got away, or pieces of batter from fried chicken. All things I justify in my mind as being “dry” crumbs, instead of wet things like sauce or sour cream from a taco - as though the ants give a shit when they descend on my car.

Do people eat crunchy tacos while driving (or any tacos really, they’re all messy)? That seems like a disaster waiting to happen. We already have french fries for eating while driving.

Never even heard of that fly, but upon looking it up I too have been calling that a male mosquito all my life. Good to know.

My exact reaction when a friend sent it to me. My text to him was almost word for word what you just wrote.

Now playing

My local sports talk morning show plays this clip all the time (host loves wrestling), but your comment reminded me to actually go look for video. Worth it. Thank you.

Or find a way so that getting an actual majority of the people in this country to vote for you is enough to get you elected president. I dont care if 90% of the country lived in 10% of the area (Mega City One style) and the other 10% lived in the other 90% of the area, the 90% vote should win. Just because those 10%

She intended to shame all poor/homeless/going through it people.

Is that what it’s about? I actually like Logan Marshall Green, but didnt get around to seeing it. Now I’ll go looking for it.

That’s what I was wondering. I dont know the elements of attempted manslaughter, but I could believe that would be a hard charge to get to stick. Assault is clear. And you don’t have to prove any type of intention towards killing someone.

Do they really call themselves Barbarians as opposed to Barbarans? Because that would be amazing.

Does anyone say “Central California”? I, being an east-coaster, did not know where Pebble was, but I saw on one of the breaks in action a little map they showed. They referred to it as being in Northern California, but to me it looked about dead center of the state (as far as north/south goes). Is there only NorCal

Adults should know better. Even though I do think parents started the problem, once you’re 30 it’s on you to adjust and figure it out.

I was hoping for something from the Satanic Church or something like it.

To this I say blame the generation that said everyone needs to go to college, get an education, you don’t have to be a plumber, factory worker, etc. There is nothing wrong with those professions and we probably need more of them (well maybe not factory workers as those jobs get more and more automated). Tell kids

Agree with everything except camping making me feel better about life.

They “see” a good economy - for a large swath of Trump supporters the success of the stock market doesn’t actually help them because they don’t have anything invested.