
Several breweries I go to dont have kitchen facilities (either by choice or for other reasons). But they will let a food truck set up in their parking lot or something similar so food is available. Sometimes people want to be able to eat when they go out drinking and they are more likely to include the brewery in

Damn, I dont remember that at all. I partially rescind my prior correction.

@onlyindade instagram account has one of these every weekend (albeit usually no one comes close to getting hurt)


I assume the Targaryen banner was a sail from one of her ships.

An ice cream shop in Miami ( has cereal as toppings and even makes rice krispy treat consistency (maybe a little harder) bowls out of several cereals to have your ice cream served in - I’ve seen lucky charms, fruity pebbles, and apple jacks - they may have others as well.

having never seen an actual grape producing vine, I dont know how they compare, but Danny’s description of it looking like a weed are right, just a weed with big leaves (and being from Florida I’ll say not much difference regionally probably).

My grandmother (Syrian) makese it in whole trays (cut in diamond shapes), as balls as discussed here, raw in a weird watery broth, and I want to say one other way but dont feel like bothering my mom to remember. I never liked any of them. I’m a bad grandson.

Ultra was on Virginia Key, as is RSMAS. They were (are?) maybe half a mile apart. Miami Seaquarium is also on the island. Wonder how their animals did since they cant swim away like the open water wildlife could. (but obviously not the hatcheries).

I dont know the general age of the commenters here, but I have never heard this term in my life - I am 36. I looked up the definition, and I have dealt with the same problem you are talking about, but I would have just said there are paragraph breaks after every line. I didnt know there was a specific term for it.

Thank you. I could not remember Bubba’s album name (Deliverance).

I agree with the general point, and I have no issue with the man, but I think a good argument could be made his Nike money is immoral because it is made on the backs of sweatshops in Asia. But the part he made from salary alone (which is more than $50M at this point) is still ok.

I agree on what makes a po-boy a po-boy, which is why I can’t say I love po-boys in general - it includes so much, including sandwiches I would not eat.

Then you have someone like McCoy who misspells a name that voids your muting. Or if you follow someone who doesn’t use hashtags. I agree muting is an important step, and I dont even mind people tweeting about things after they happen, just put a big SPOILER at the top of your tweet so I know to skip it.

As someone who does not like mayo or pickles, po-boys are in a weird area for me. A roast beef po-boy with swiss and drenched in gravy is my favorite sandwich (personal favorite is Crabby Jack’s). I love fried shrimp, but for me to get a shrimp po-boy it would shrimp on bread with hot sauce - not really worth it. But

Correct. There are some people (admittedly not an enormous number, but I think substantial enough) whose jobs rely on using twitter and other forms of social media.

I had tickets for Endgame on Sunday. I did not open twitter once between Thursday night and Sunday afternoon, but understand not everyone has that option. I understand wanting to discuss things right after they happen (see LeSean McCcoy) I would just ask that they at least put a spoiler heading to their post so

Having not read the comic book version, is what McCoy spoiled what happens in the comic version? Having seen the movie and knowing what he tweeted (thankfully not until after seeing it), unless that specific scene was in the comic, it is disingenuous to say you shouldn’t be able to spoil 30 year old properties (though

It was great when Comcast added the ability to search netflix and prime video within my X1 box so I dont need to switch inputs or “apps” on my tv.

I’m glad I decided to read the comments before I just replied the same video. It’s the first thing that came to mind. I just wish that clip kept going to the part where he specifically says black people cant get away with that since they are expected to know the rules and get no benefit of the doubt.